
The largest domestically-made unmanned transport aircraft SA750U made in Hunan successfully made its maiden flight


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Hunan Daily, August 22 (Reporter Cao Xian, Xie Zhuofang, Li Yongliang, Correspondent Liu Pengfei) At 6:28 on August 22, my country's first large-scale unmanned transport aircraft with a load capacity of over 3 tons, the SA750U, took off from the Shaanxi Jingbian UAV dedicated test airport. During the 40-minute flight test, all systems and equipment of the aircraft worked normally and in good condition, the aircraft attitude was stable, and the performance indicators met the design. After completing the scheduled flight subjects, the aircraft returned smoothly, and the first flight was a complete success.
SA750U was independently developed by Hunan Sunward Huayu Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. and strategically promoted by Sunward Xinghang Industrial Co., Ltd. It took only 2 years and 8 months from conceptual design to the successful maiden flight of the first aircraft. During the product development period, China Aero Engine Research Institute and China Southern Company, as strategic partners, provided strong support for the efficient promotion of the project.
The SA750U large unmanned transport aircraft has a maximum take-off weight of 7,500 kg, a maximum payload of 3,200 kg, a maximum range of 2,200 km, a low-altitude fully loaded take-off run distance of more than 400 meters, an operating altitude of up to 7,300 meters, and a cargo hold volume of 25.8 cubic meters. The specially designed aircraft rectangular cross-section fuselage, large tail door, short take-off and landing lift system, landing gear system and other structures and subsystems enable it to have the characteristics of rapid cargo loading and unloading, unmanned efficient airdrop, and wide adaptability to take-off and landing sites.
"There is a blank field in China for large unmanned transport aircraft with a commercial load of 3 tons. The research and development team is driven by demand, uses domestic systems and materials, and conducts a completely forward-looking independent design to provide key aviation equipment for building China's low-altitude logistics system." Professor He Qinghua, chairman of Shanhe Huayu Aviation Technology Co., Ltd., introduced. Aiming at the huge demand for air material transportation in the future, the application scenarios of this aircraft include regional air logistics, unmanned material delivery in specific scenarios, forest and grassland fire fighting and other fields.
It is reported that the core technical team of Shanhe Huayu Aviation Technology has more than 20 years of experience in the development of aviation equipment in the field of manned light aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles. It has more than 30 core patented technologies and has led the development of a number of well-known general aviation products. Its domestic market share is far ahead.
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