
The group purchase card for the swimming pool is limited to women with a bachelor's degree under the age of 45, and the person in charge was interviewed


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According to the China National Radio website Wuxi on August 23, a swimming pool in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, recently launched a group purchase of swimming cards, requiring consumers to be women under the age of 45 and have a bachelor's degree, which has sparked heated discussions. On August 23, the reporter learned from relevant parties that the local market supervision department has intervened in the investigation. The swimming pool involved has removed the controversial group purchase activities. On the same day, the China National Radio website reporter learned from the Liangxi District Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau that the bureau has interviewed the person in charge of the swimming pool involved. Previously, the swimming pool had been listed as a key supervision target because of its diving training programs. In the future, the cultural, sports and tourism departments will strengthen their supervision over it.

The swimming pool in question is still in operation, and the controversial group buying activity has been removed (screenshot from the Internet released by China National Radio)

According to reports, the swimming pool is called 2049 International Swimming and Diving Training Center. At the end of July this year, it launched the Knowledge Lady Month Card. The group purchase is clearly limited to women under 45 years old with a bachelor's degree. The person in charge of the company said that diving training has certain requirements for physical strength and operation, and the purpose of launching the group purchase card is to accurately target the consumer group. After being exposed by the media, the swimming pool removed the group purchase activity on the afternoon of August 22.

The reporter checked a review app and learned that the swimming pool is now offering multiple group purchases for swimming and diving, with prices ranging from 736 yuan to 2,890 yuan. Currently, the swimming pool is still operating normally. The reporter called the swimming pool several times, but no one answered the phone.

Afterwards, the reporter contacted the Liangxi District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Wuxi City. The staff said that the market supervision department has paid attention to the matter. The staff went to the swimming pool on August 22 to verify the relevant situation. The specific situation is under investigation. The staff of the Liangxi District Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau told reporters that the swimming pool's main business is diving training, mainly for female consumers. Because the swimming pool has a high-risk license and a diving license, it has been listed as a key supervision target. During the interview, the culture, sports and tourism department required the company to release related activities and slogans in the future. Consider comprehensively and reasonably to avoid objections. In addition, supervision of the swimming pool will be strengthened to ensure safe and standardized operation.

Regarding this matter, Liu Jian, a lawyer from Jiangsu Zhenyu Law Firm, said that we must first determine whether the behavior is a long-term and intentional differentiation of customer groups.

According to the Consumer Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, consumers have the right to fair trade, the right to obtain fair trade conditions such as quality assurance and reasonable prices, and the right to refuse the forced trade behavior of operators. The group purchase conditions set by the swimming pool may have violated consumers' fair trade rights.

Secondly, according to the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests, the state guarantees that women enjoy equal labor rights and social security rights with men, and prohibits the exclusion and restriction of women's enjoyment and exercise of various rights and interests based on gender. The swimming pool restricts consumers based on gender and age, which is suspected of gender discrimination.