
Authoritative experts answer six hot questions about network numbers and network certificates


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Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 23rd, Title: Six hot questions about network numbers and network certificates - Detailed explanation of the "National Network Identity Authentication Public Service Management Measures (Draft for Comments)"

Xinhua News Agency reporter

Recently, the Ministry of Public Security, the Cyberspace Administration of China and others have drafted the "National Network Identity Authentication Public Service Management Measures (Draft for Comments)" and solicited public opinions, which has aroused widespread attention.

What are Internet numbers and Internet certificates? What impact will they have on the public and the development of the digital economy? Xinhua News Agency reporters sorted out the hot issues currently of public concern and interviewed relevant authoritative experts.

Question 1: What are Internet ID and Internet Certificate?

According to the drafting instructions of the draft for soliciting opinions, the network number is a network identity symbol composed of letters and numbers and does not contain plain text identity information; the network certificate is a network identity authentication certificate that carries the network number and the natural person's non-plain text identity information.

In layman's terms, an Internet ID is a user's identity code in cyberspace, while personal identity information is hidden; an Internet certificate is a simplified version of a digital certificate, which is used as an optional identity authentication method in legal real-name areas such as online social networking, instant messaging, and other scenarios that require identity verification.

Yu Rui, a researcher at the First Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security, said: "Users no longer need to have a certificate to go online. Instead, they now have a safer and more convenient option in scenarios where identity verification is required. They do not need to repeatedly provide plain text personal identity information to various platforms. At the same time, the original identity authentication method can still be used, and users can go online normally without an Internet number or Internet certificate."

Question 2: What are the advantages of the national network identity authentication public service compared to existing authentication methods?

According to relevant regulations, at present, users use online services in accordance with the principle of "real name in the background, voluntary in the front", and need to repeatedly provide their real identity information in plain text to different Internet platforms.

Li Xinyu, a researcher at the National Information Center, said that for traditional identity authentication methods, the Internet platform has a long chain from front-end collection to back-end storage, with many links, and the network transmission environment is relatively complex, making it difficult to ensure the security of personal information, and leaks occur frequently.

The promotion of online numbers and online certificates aims to reduce the collection of personal identity information such as names, ID numbers, and faces by Internet platforms, and to achieve the goal of making citizens' identity information "available but invisible."

Telecom business operators, banking financial institutions, non-bank payment institutions, and Internet service providers can use the national network identity authentication public service to conduct dynamic identity authentication for abnormal accounts involved in fraud, minimize the situation of "real name but false person", and increase the cost of illegal and criminal activities in the online black and gray industries.

Yu Rui said that the working principle of the national network identity authentication public service is to remotely compare and verify the user's identity based on the national population basic information database, and the population information is information that the country already has. In the process of users applying for and using network numbers and network certificates, the public service only collects information closely related to user identity authentication in accordance with the principle of "minimum necessity", such as reading certificates through NFC function to verify the authenticity of certificates, verifying the user's own operation through face recognition, confirming the user's wishes and emergency contacts through mobile phone numbers, and confirming the security of the operating environment through mobile phone parameters. In addition, no other personal information is collected.

When users cancel their network account and network certificate, all relevant personal information will be deleted. In addition, the state has invested strong technical force to ensure the security of the above personal information.

Question 3: What conveniences can the national online identity authentication public service bring to users?

Li Xinyu said that compared with other identity authentication services, the national network identity authentication public service is very convenient. Identity can be proved using a smartphone, making it convenient for people to handle matters under digital, networked and intelligent conditions.

For example, when buying tickets online, you usually need to enter your name, ID number and other information, which is quite cumbersome. If you rely on the national online identity authentication public service, you can complete the authentication by clicking and jumping. In addition, the national online identity authentication public service can also be used across applications and platforms, effectively reducing the burden of remembering accounts and passwords for various websites and Internet platforms.

In some scenarios where an ID card is required to enter the venue, visitors can use the National Network Identity Authentication App for quick passage, which to a certain extent reduces the burden of carrying physical ID documents and avoids some security risks such as the leakage of personal identity information.

Question 4: How to ensure that individuals use Internet numbers and certificates on a voluntary basis?

The draft for soliciting opinions stipulates that natural persons holding valid legal identification documents can voluntarily apply for Internet numbers and Internet certificates from public service platforms; encourages relevant competent departments and key industries to promote the application of Internet numbers and Internet certificates on a voluntary basis; and encourages Internet platforms to access public services on a voluntary basis.

Yu Rui said that, in particular, the Anti-Telecom Network Fraud Law and other superior laws stipulate that the state promotes the construction of public services for online identity authentication and supports voluntary use by individuals and enterprises. For cards and numbers with fraud-related anomalies, telecommunications operators, Internet service providers, etc. "can" rather than "should" re-verify the user's identity through the national online identity authentication public service. This fully reflects the principle of users voluntarily using network numbers and certificates. As a lower-level departmental regulation, the National Online Identity Authentication Public Service Management Measures cannot break through the provisions of superior laws on this issue.

Yu Rui introduced that users accept or withdraw from the national network identity authentication service completely on a voluntary basis. From the perspective of App operation, the national network identity authentication App is voluntary to download and apply for, and users are not forced or compelled to use it. From the perspective of promotion and application, Internet companies and access units are also voluntary to use, and public services can be used as an option rather than the only option, and other existing methods can be retained.

Question 5: What is the legal basis for the national online identity authentication public service?

Yu Rui introduced that the national network identity authentication public service has relevant provisions and basis in laws such as the Cybersecurity Law, the Personal Information Protection Law, and the Anti-Telecom Network Fraud Law.

Article 24 of the Cybersecurity Law proposes that "the state implements a network trusted identity strategy" and clarifies the concept of network trusted identity.

Article 62 of the Personal Information Protection Law stipulates that "support the research, development, and promotion of application of safe and convenient electronic identity authentication technologies, and promote the construction of network identity authentication public services", which clearly stipulates the construction of network identity authentication public services at the national level.

Article 33 of the Anti-Telecom Network Fraud Law stipulates that "the state promotes the construction of public services for online identity authentication and supports voluntary use by individuals and enterprises. Telecom business operators, banking financial institutions, non-bank payment institutions, and Internet service providers may use national online identity authentication public services to re-verify the identities of users of telephone cards, bank accounts, payment accounts, and Internet accounts that have fraud-related abnormalities." This clarifies the status of national online identity authentication public services in combating telecom network fraud.

In accordance with the above laws, the Ministry of Public Security and the Cyberspace Administration of China, together with relevant departments, organized the construction of the National Network Identity Authentication Public Service Platform and carried out pilot applications in related fields. At the same time, in order to standardize the operation and management of public services and further protect the personal information rights and interests of users, departmental regulations were studied and formulated - the National Network Identity Authentication Public Service Management Measures.

Question 6: What impact will the national online identity authentication public service have on the digital economy?

Data elements are the key and core of the development of the digital economy. The premise for activating data elements and realizing the flow of data elements is to clarify the ownership of data, and the basis is the confirmation of personal identity. Li Xinyu said that based on the national network identity authentication public service, individuals can effectively confirm and authorize data, and then form and solidify their own data assets, thereby promoting the orderly flow and value-added of data elements and helping the development of the digital economy.

In the digital economy era, trust is the cornerstone. Li Xinyou believes that the national network identity authentication public service provides a more reliable means of identity authentication for online transactions and online services, reduces economic losses caused by identity fraud, and improves the business environment by improving the level of network integrity. At the same time, the state provides identity authentication services to reduce costs and increase efficiency for enterprises, prompting them to devote more energy to improving product and service quality and user experience, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the Internet industry and digital economy.

Li Xinyou said that building a trusted digital identity system as an important measure to develop the digital economy is a common practice in countries around the world. The EU's eID, Singapore's SingPass, and India's Aadhaar have formed trusted digital identity systems with their own characteristics, and their experience and practices are worth learning from.