
In 1949, an old soldier refused to become an official, and Chairman Mao asked: I heard that you want to go home to "repay your debt"?


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On the eve of the founding of New China, all walks of life were in urgent need of revitalization and there was a shortage of talent. At this time, an old soldier refused the job assigned to him by the organization and chose to return to his hometown.

Before leaving, the old soldier came to Chairman Mao's residence to resign. After learning his purpose, Chairman Mao reluctantly asked, "Old squad leader, I heard you want to go home to pay off your debts?"

The old soldier nodded and readily agreed with this statement.

One can't help but wonder, who is this old soldier? Why did Chairman Mao call him "old squad leader"? And why did he go home to pay off his debts?

The old soldier was named Li Kaiwen. He was from Jinzhai County, Anhui Province. When the Red Army went to Jinzhai to recruit soldiers, he was already 32 years old. He had already started a family and had a wife and children.

Li Kaiwen had a red faith in his heart and longed to fight in the battlefield, so he took this opportunity to sign up for the army. At that time, Li Kaiwen was a little too old and had not received any education, so he was not selected and only did some auxiliary work.

Although he was doing trivial tasks, Li Kaiwen was always conscientious and did not dare to slack off in the slightest. His efforts were naturally noticed by his leaders, and he successfully joined the Red Army.

In 1932, the unit Li Kaiwen was in received an order to relocate, which meant that he had to leave his hometown where he was born and raised and his family.

On the one hand, it was the national cause, on the other hand, it was the parental love, Li Kaiwen finally decided to leave his family behind and move with the troops.

At that time, there was chaos and war everywhere, and there was no mercy on the battlefield. After this separation, I didn’t know when I would see you again, and maybe I would never see you again in my life.

Although he was reluctant, Li Kaiwen sacrificed his own family for the sake of everyone. His patriotic sentiment is enough to inspire admiration.

During the Long March, Li Kaiwen was injured by a bomb while trying to save his comrades. Since then, his hearing in both ears has been damaged and he can no longer work on the front line. Therefore, the organization sent him to the rear to serve as the squad leader of the central cooking squad, responsible for the soldiers' diet.

As a squad leader, Li Kaiwen was mainly responsible for cooking for the leaders, including Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou and others. As a result, he forged a good friendship with the central leaders. Chairman Mao and others always affectionately called him the old squad leader.

In a blink of an eye, Li Kaiwen had worked in the kitchen team for 13 years. After the founding of New China, the organization decided to send Li Kaiwen to a factory as the factory director. Faced with such a good opportunity, Li Kaiwen refused.

Li Kaiwen said that he had been away from home for so many years and it was time for him to go back home to "repay his debts", so he specifically resigned from Chairman Mao and others and embarked on the journey home.

When Li Kaiwen left, his children were only a few years old. When he came back, they were already thirty years old. Time flies. What Li Kaiwen meant by "repaying the debt" was to go home to accompany his family and children and fulfill his responsibilities as a husband and father.

After returning to his hometown, Li Kaiwen was always busy. The county committee actively arranged work for him. At first, they wanted him to be the deputy county magistrate, but Li Kaiwen said no.

"There are so many people in a county, how can I manage them all? I don't have the ability, let someone else do it."

Finally, Li Kaiwen became the stationmaster in a grain station. Although he was the stationmaster, Li Kaiwen never put on airs and did everything by himself.

In fact, Li Kaiwen is very much like the inconspicuous little people around us. They have little education and have never done anything earth-shaking, but they always work hard in their posts to benefit the people and the country.