
Check in at the library and don't disturb the readers


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Halfway through the summer vacation, the number of visitors to major tourist attractions remains high, and libraries and bookstores have become new choices for many tourists. Compared with outdoor attractions, these places are indoors, which is not only cooler, but also have many "check-in" spots for readers to take photos. The supporting facilities such as rest seats and cafes are also relatively complete, providing a one-stop service for eating, drinking and playing.
As popularity rises, some "Internet celebrity" libraries and bookstores have also seen people making loud noises, blocking the way by taking photos, eating in violation of regulations, running and climbing, etc., disturbing readers and visitors. Although the staff try their best to maintain it, they are inevitably exhausted and hope that visitors will be more self-disciplined when "checking in".
Popular stores, each with its own unique charm
The Beijing City Library, which opened on the eve of New Year's Day, became a "top-tier library" as soon as it opened. This knowledge space supported by 144 "ginkgo trees" is located on the bank of the Grand Canal, which is shaded by trees and has beautiful scenery. The transparent glass walls on all four sides bring nature into the reading line of sight. The winding "valley" in the library is set off by the Grand Canal outside the library. Wandering in it, readers can enjoy the aesthetic experience.
Beijing City Library has been very popular for more than half a year. Data shows that as of August 8, the total number of readers of the library has reached 2.436 million.
Reader Mr. Zhang lives nearby and often walks around the library with his family in his free time. He is very happy that there is such a beautiful place nearby. "The environment here is very good! Especially at night when the lights are on, it is very beautiful!" Reader Xiao Yang remembers that she was shocked when she first came to the library, "Has the outside world developed to this point?" She laughed and said that she did not have such a good environment when she was in school, "If I can study here, I feel that I can pass any exam."
The reporter saw that the library spared no effort to fully "interact" with readers. There is an opera costume experience area in the Intangible Cultural Heritage Documents Museum, where four sets of opera costumes are hung on hangers for tourists to check in and take photos. The Children's Museum not only has a reading area full of childlike fun, but also often hosts various parent-child activities. Whether it is to experience the beauty of architecture or to experience the fun of reading immersively, there are abundant choices.
On social media platforms, the Beijing Red House Public Library is known as the "most beautiful study room". It was transformed from the original Red House Cinema and integrates a private library, a public welfare venue, a library and a cafe. With its antique architecture and profound historical heritage, it has become a popular place for tourists to "check in". "There are many books, many seats, and many people, and the learning atmosphere is very strong!" Tourist Xiao Zhu said with emotion that he and his companions "fell in love" with this place because of its convenient location and "no need to spend money or make an appointment. It's too hot outside, and it's really nice to stay here for an afternoon in the cool!"
Not far away, Zhongshuge Bookstore in Galeries Lafayette is famous for its design-rich decoration style. The reporter saw that many people who checked in jokingly called the reading area "circle circle circle circle", and the readers became "people in the scene" during the time, and the photos were very good. The whole area uses round snail doors, which are crisscrossed and separated into small worlds where people can be alone, and the sense of space is stretched through mirrors, and being in it is like entering the future world. The white floor and walls of the shopping area, matched with log furniture, give people a warm feeling, and it is very leisurely to drink a cup of coffee.
Quiet reminders can't stop the noise
Internet-famous libraries and bookstores attract tourists in droves, but the increasing flow of people does pose challenges to management.
The first problem is noise. Reporters saw signs saying "Please keep quiet" everywhere in Beijing City Library. Staff also walked around holding signs saying "Keep quiet" near the security checkpoint and the "Valley" passage to remind visitors silently.
"Come and chase me!" Two children were running and laughing in a ramp. The staff had to stop them, "Those two kids, keep quiet!" The mother of the child beside them quickly pulled the child away apologetically. However, not long after, the two children started a new round of chasing in the blind spot of the staff. Although the mother put her finger on her lips and said "shh, shh", she still couldn't stop the children from running back and forth.
Reader Ric complained that the library was noisy and like a park, "not very suitable for self-study." In response, the staff said they were trying their best to control the order in the library. "But there were too many people, we couldn't keep up, and some places really couldn't be stopped in time."
Zhongshuge Bookstore is no exception. Although there are many signs saying "speak softly, please do not make noise", customers still chat without any scruples. A boy sat at the place agreed with his mother to read a book, waiting for her to come to him. The bookstore was rather winding. After buying coffee, the mother forgot the agreed place and simply called out loudly: "Baby, where are you?" The boy also shouted "Mom, I'm here!" After the two met, the boy immediately talked to his mother about the plot of the story he had read.
Ms. Qian, who was standing by, frowned as she listened and said, "Can you be a little quieter?" The mother nodded and said, "Okay, okay." Within five minutes, the volume of the mother and son gradually increased. Ms. Qian sighed, closed the book and left.
The Red Mansion Public Library is not only a place for reading, but also a venue for many public welfare activities. Reader Yangyang is a frequent visitor here and likes to study in the library. She recalled that at the end of July, she went to study as usual, and was dumbfounded when she entered. "There was a book signing event, and there were children running around, it was very noisy."
The reporter saw that many readers put on headphones or covered their ears to block out the noise from time to time in the library. The administrator said that the Red Mansion Public Library is a semi-public welfare building and is somewhat powerless in terms of order management. "We are trying to maintain order, but due to the lack of manpower and the large flow of people, it is really difficult to manage it."
Management is weak and regulations are ineffective
At the Beijing City Library, the rows of stairs are very spectacular, and many tourists stand on the stairs to take "life photos". Ms. Liu was taking photos of a child sitting on the stairs. A tourist who was about to leave his seat accidentally kicked the child, which made her dissatisfied. A tourist reminded Ms. Liu not to stay here for too long, and she nodded perfunctorily: "I'll leave soon." But after five minutes, Ms. Liu didn't leave the stairs until she took a satisfactory photo.
A netizen posted a picture and commented, "I saw a heartwarming scene." In the picture, a family of three sat on the popular steps in the library, with the father and mother watching the child in the middle eating. In fact, dining is not allowed in the library, precisely to avoid such situations. The reporter saw that a special dining area was set up at Gate 3 of the library, so readers do not have to leave the library and can eat in a cool environment.
Bookstores are "full" during the summer vacation, and Zhongshuge's staff are overwhelmed. In the reading area, the seats for customers to read are covered with cushions, and the mirror is posted with a reminder of "Do not climb". But it still cannot stop the children's enthusiasm for climbing. In the decorative circle, there are many adults sitting, who support themselves with their hands and feet and go up to read. The reporter reminded the staff, and the staff expressed helplessness, "I can't control it. Just after I said it, someone else went up, and we have no way to solve it."
In the Red House Public Library, there is a big sign at the entrance of the "Dimensional Capital" store, "Please do not bring in drinks and food from outside." But almost everyone has drinks on their table, and some people share bread with their friends. In response to the reporter's question, the administrator said, "We really can't bring in food from outside, but if you really want to eat, you can just take the garbage away. There are too many people and we can't handle it."
Behind the stairs of the library, there is a "shopping area" where customers who bought food can enjoy it. But the area is full of people who didn't buy anything, and they fell asleep on the chairs. Ms. Wang couldn't find a seat with her child, so she could only sit on the steps of the public reading area and open the drink she just bought for her child.
In addition, since many customers do not put books back after reading, it is difficult for others who want to find books. Suspense novels, science fiction novels, Chinese literature, foreign literature... are crowded together in the same small space, and no book is placed on its own shelf. The administrator said that there is no book search function here, and many books are placed randomly every day, and there is no power to reclassify them one by one. "Now it is summer vacation, and we are also discussing how to try our best to balance the rights of readers and the workload of administrators to bring everyone a better reading experience. Thank you for your understanding."