
Song of Beijing Workers | Wang Pingjing: Become a caring person who is good at solving problems in the hearts of residents


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"Secretary Wang has helped us solve many problems and made our lives happier. We are really grateful to her." Residents of Zhaofengyuan Community in Lugouqiao Street, Fengtai District, gave a thumbs up to Wang Pingjing, the community party committee secretary, neighborhood committee director and service station manager. In response to the problems of difficulty in charging electric bicycles and disorderly parking in the community, Wang Pingjing took party building as the guide, successfully sought policy support, added charging ports and carports, which not only eliminated safety hazards, but also beautified the environment, winning wide praise from residents.

Over the years, Wang Jingjing has relied on the party building coordination platform to organize residents to discuss and deliberate on many occasions, and successfully promoted the implementation of a series of people's livelihood projects such as elevator maintenance, corridor renovation, ramp construction, civilized dog breeding, large garbage station transformation, road hardening and repair, leisure seat installation, and elevator handrail installation, thereby improving the community's self-governance efficiency and residents' happiness index.

"Thank you very much for your promotion and attention to the progress of this matter. Thanks to your support, the community and the property management, the matter has come to a conclusion..." After the mediation, the residents living in Zhaofengyuan Community could not hide their joy and gratitude, and expressed their gratitude to Wang Pingjing. A few days ago, this resident asked the community for help because his neighbor's anti-theft door opened outwards and affected his travel. Wang Pingjing used the law as the basis and reason as the bridge to conduct patient mediation to promote understanding and mutual accommodation between the two parties. In the end, the neighbor agreed to change the door back to an inward opening, and the resident who asked for help was very grateful. "If you keep the residents in mind, appeal to their emotions and explain the reason, many conflicts can be easily mediated." Wang Pingjing told reporters with a smile.

Wang Pingjing is full of enthusiasm and care for special groups. Community resident Master Wang was hospitalized many times due to illness, which added to his already tight family situation. Wang Pingjing visited him many times to understand his actual difficulties, and actively reflected on his situation, successfully applying for financial assistance for Master Wang. In addition, on every important festival, Wang Pingjing would lead a team to visit Master Wang's home and give him condolence money and supplies to alleviate his family's difficulties.

"It's the flood season now, and we have to do a good job of flood prevention, which is related to the safety of community residents." During this year's flood prevention period, Wang Pingjing led a team to conduct 24-hour patrols with community cadres and community property. During the patrol, she found that there was serious water accumulation in the community parking lot, the existing drainage equipment of the property was insufficient, and a large number of vehicles were at risk of being flooded under continuous rainfall. The situation was urgent. Faced with this emergency, Wang Pingjing immediately contacted the street agricultural service center for emergency assistance. The department immediately delivered a diesel water pump, which effectively alleviated the drainage crisis. As the water pump started with a roar, the accumulated water gradually receded, and Wang Pingjing still stayed at his post, commanding and dispatching to ensure that the emergency response work was carried out in an orderly manner. Car owners who were worried about their vehicles being flooded came to the scene one after another. After seeing Wang Pingjing carrying out emergency response in an orderly manner at the scene, they said: "We are very relieved to have her."

Source: Labor Noon News
Reporter: Yu Cuiping
Correspondent: Li Chenxi
Editor: Li Yuan
Proofreading: Song Xiaoguang

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