
New regulations | National Health Commission: Will discuss granting nurses prescription rights


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On August 20, the website of the National Health Commission published a response to a proposal involving relevant content of the "Suggestions on formulating relevant legal provisions to grant specialist nurses prescription rights" put forward by deputies to the National People's Congress.

The reply mentioned,There is no legal basis for granting nurses the right to prescribe.In accordance with their job responsibilities, nurses can provide patients with guidance on diet, exercise, disease health education, etc.

However, the reply also stated that the National Health Commission will conduct special research in due course in response to the suggestions, study and sort out the domestic and international situations, and combine them with my country's national conditions.Fully demonstrate the necessity and importance of granting nurses the right to prescribe.Conduct systematic research on job positioning, practice forms, related training, service content, etc. On the basis of sufficient research and demonstration, revise relevant laws and regulations in a timely manner and formulate and improve relevant policies.

This is seen by the industry as a signal that the National Health Commission will actively promote granting nurses the right to prescribe.

It is worth mentioning thatThis representative proposal does not involve all nurses, but specialist nursesThey have independent expertise in a certain area and can work independently as doctors. However, they do not have the "right to prescribe" and have to ask doctors to prescribe medicine for patients when they work as doctors.

In June 2022, Shenzhen revised the "Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Medical Regulations".It was the first city in the country to give specialist nurses certain prescribing powers, allowing them to prescribe "prescriptions" for examinations, treatments, and external medications.However, this approach has not yet been adopted by most parts of the country.

Written by Li Ao

Editor: Jiang Yunjiating

Operation|Twenty Thirteen