
How daring was this Shanghai bully? He slapped Chiang Kai-shek's nephew and kidnapped Huang Jinrong for ransom


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Lu Liankui, once the chief inspector of the Chinese in Shanghai Concession, became one of the famous bullies in Shanghai because of his corruption and abuse of power. In the 1930s, Lu Liankui became famous for being involved in two absurd and outrageous cases, and finally died tragically on the street. The two cases Lu Liankui was involved in were the case of slapping Jiang Jieshi's nephew Yu Luomin and the case of kidnapping and extorting Huang Jinrong.

01. Case of Slapping Chiang Kai-shek’s Nephew Yu Luomin

One day in 1936, Yu Luomin, the nephew of Chiang Kai-shek who had just come to Luzhou from other places, carried a suitcase and checked into Room 302 of the famous Central Hotel in Shanghai. While taking the elevator upstairs, because the elevator space was small, Yu Luomin accidentally touched the calf of a lady who was taking the elevator with him, which caused dissatisfaction to the lady. Although Yu Luomin politely apologized to the other party, the other party did not intend to give up. After some discussion, he found a few concession police to "teach" this ignorant young man a lesson. It turned out that the woman Yu Luomin accidentally touched was the concubine of Lu Liankui, the inspector general of the Shanghai Chinese Concession. Lu Liankui worshipped the old man Huang Jinrong in his early years and sat all the way to the high position of the inspector general of the concession. He was a tyrant in Shanghai with both black and white, and had a large number of industries under his name. Yu Luomin accidentally touched Lu Liankui's concubine, and Lu Liankui thought that she was intentionally "taking advantage of her", so he decided to find someone to teach this bold and daring young man a lesson.

That night, the door of Room 302 of the Central Hotel where Yu Luomin was staying was knocked on roughly. Before Yu Luomin could ask any questions, the leader of the other party slapped Yu Luomin in the face. The visitors were several armed concession policemen. Not only did they beat Yu Luomin, but they also arrogantly demanded that Yu Luomin open his suitcase, saying that they wanted to check it. As Chiang Kai-shek's nephew, Yu Luomin had seen the world. He told the policemen that he also had friends in Shanghai, and he was afraid that he could not afford the compensation if you injured him. It would have been better if Yu Luomin had not said this. After that, he was slapped twice in the face. The leader said to Yu Luomin: "My name is Lu Liankui. I have a little money in Shanghai. I can afford to pay one or two million!" After that, he forced Yu Luomin to make a phone call and asked his friends in Shanghai to come over to talk. Yu Luomin only knew the phone number of Shanghai Mayor Wu Tiecheng, so he called him and found out that Mayor Wu was away because of something. So he left a message asking Wu Tiecheng to come to Room 302 of the Central Hotel to rescue him. When he failed to get through the phone call to ask someone to compensate for the loss, Lu Liankui beat Yu Luomin again and locked him in Room 302 to await punishment.

Late that night, Lu Liankui, who was being intimate with his concubine, was interrupted by a phone call. The caller was straightforward: "I am Wu Tiecheng, the mayor of Shanghai. The person you hit is Yu Haomin, the nephew of Chairman Chiang. Release him immediately." Lu Liankui felt goosebumps all over his body when he heard this. He did not dare to delay and released Yu Haomin with a shameless face, waiting anxiously for the outcome of the matter.

After the incident of Yu Luomin being beaten was reported to Chiang Kai-shek, Chiang Kai-shek replied: "Well, Lu Liankui is so rich, and now the country is in crisis, let him donate 10 planes to the country." Although Lu Liankui was rich, he could not donate 10 planes. He went to his master Huang Jinrong to ask for help, and also consulted his old acquaintance Chu Minyi. After much persuasion and almost bankruptcy, he finally settled the matter by donating one plane to the National Government.

02. Kidnapping and extortion of Huang Jinrong

Because Lu Liankui beat up Chiang Kai-shek's nephew Yu Luomin, Chiang Kai-shek forced him to donate an airplane, which almost bankrupted him. But Lu Liankui did not dare to resent Chiang Kai-shek and Yu Luomin, but instead took out his anger on his master Huang Jinrong, kidnapped him, and extorted a huge ransom of 50 gold bars from Huang's relatives. What happened?

It turned out that after Lu Liankui beat Yu Luomin, Chiang Kai-shek asked him to donate 10 planes to settle the matter. Lu Liankui knew that Chiang Kai-shek and Huang Jinrong had a friendship, so he went to Huang Jinrong in person to ask for help. Who knew that Huang Jinrong had long been dissatisfied with Lu Liankui, his apprentice, and in the name of helping Lu Liankui to plead with Chiang Kai-shek, he severely hit Lu's bamboo stick. Lu Liankui communicated through Chu Minyi, a member of the Central Committee of the Kuomintang, and after donating an airplane to the National Government, he settled the matter of slapping Yu Luomin. Later, he found out that Huang Jinrong had not helped in this matter, and had taken a large sum of money from him for nothing, which made him hate it. Lu Liankui and Huang Jinrong had a master-disciple relationship, and Lu Liankui could not openly claim compensation from Huang Jinrong, so at the instigation of his apprentices, he planned to play a big game and kidnap and blackmail Huang Jinrong.

One night, Huang Jinrong watched a play at the Paramount Theater he operated according to his old habit. After the show, he was intercepted by several cars on his way home. His personal bodyguard was beaten to death and Huang Jinrong was also kidnapped. After the incident, Huang Jinrong's family asked Du Yuesheng for help. Du Yuesheng was an old man in the underworld. He analyzed that the kidnappers did not beat the old man to death on the spot, which meant that they were not seeking revenge, but seeking money. He asked the Huang family to do as he ordered. Sure enough, just two days later, someone sent a letter to the Huang family, asking them to prepare a ransom of 50 gold bars. If the ransom was paid, they would release the person, otherwise they would kill him. Du Yuesheng asked the Huang family to prepare the gold bars while inquiring about the robbers' whereabouts through their friends in the underworld. Seeing that the deadline for paying the bounty had expired and Huang Jinrong's whereabouts had not been found, Du Yuesheng came up with another plan. He asked the Huang family to prepare only 49 gold bars and replace the remaining gold bar with a very exquisite 1-jin gold jewelry. After the Huang family paid the ransom, the robbers really released Huang Jinrong.

A few months later, a member of the Green Gang reported that the gold jewelry used to redeem Huang Jinrong appeared in a pawnshop. Huang Jinrong and Du Yuesheng asked someone to investigate and learned that the person who pawned the gold jewelry was an old lover of Lu Liankui. From this, they learned that Lu Liankui was the mastermind behind the kidnapping and extortion of Huang Jinrong. After finding the real mastermind, the rest of the matter was easy to handle. Soon, Lu Liankui, a generation of bullies in Shanghai, was dead on the street. The police station had no clue after many investigations, and the case became an unsolved case. Lu Liankui's family knew the cause and effect of the incident, but they were afraid that Huang, Du and others would kill them if they made it public, so they had to hastily collect Lu Liankui's body and bury it.