
The head of Taiwan's secret service was arrested twice. He was afraid of death and chose to defect. If it weren't for him, Taiwan might have been recovered.


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Original title: The head of Taiwan's secret service was arrested twice. He was afraid of death and chose to defect. If it weren't for him, Taiwan might have been recovered.

Few people may know Cai Xiaoqian, but when talking about the devastating destruction of the Taiwan underground party, we have to mention this person, because he was the secretary of the Taiwan underground party's Taiwan Working Committee and the only Taiwanese Communist in the Long March. This shows how great the harm of his betrayal was.

Cai Xiaoqian was born in Huatan Township, Changhua County, Taiwan Province in 1908. From 1924 to 1925, he studied in the Department of Social Sciences of Shanghai University, which was founded by the Communist Party of China. Influenced by the ideas of Qu Qiubai, Ren Bishi and others who were teaching at the time, he joined the Shanghai Taiwan Youth Association organized by progressive youth and established a new Taiwan Association in Shanghai.

In June 1932, he was elected director of the Anti-Imperialist General League at its first congress in the Soviet Area. After that, he developed a deep friendship with Mao Zedong's brother Mao Zetan and Hu Yaobang, who had worked together with him. Cai later recalled: "Mao Zetan was enthusiastic and frank. Although he and I worked together in the Anti-Imperialist General League for only half a year, we had already established a friendship. He, Hu Yaobang and I often talked until late at night."

In January 1934, he attended the Second National Congress of the Chinese Soviet Republic in Ruijin, Jiangxi as a representative of Taiwan, and was elected as a member of the presidium and an executive member of the Central Executive Committee of the Chinese Soviet Republic. In October, he participated in the Long March of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and was the only Taiwanese Communist in the Long March. After arriving in northern Shaanxi in October 1935, he served as chairman of the Anti-Imperialist League (later changed to the Anti-Japanese League).

Around 1949, our army secretly sent more than 1,500 cadres to Taiwan, including Cai Xiaoqian. He was arrested and imprisoned by the Kuomintang in January 1950, but later escaped. He was arrested again three months later and soon defected to the enemy, destroying the CCP's underground organization in Taiwan. More than 1,800 people were arrested and imprisoned, and many people, including Wu Shi and Zhu Chenzhi, were brutally killed.

After Cai Xiaoqian defected, he joined the Kuomintang and served as a member of the Design Committee of the Security Bureau of the Taiwan authorities' "Ministry of National Defense". In 1956, he worked in the "Bandit Research Office of the Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense" and was later promoted to the deputy director of the office and the "Deputy Director of the Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice and Administration". Cai and other defectors such as Chen Zemin and Hong Youqiao were strictly guarded for a long time and rarely went out. He died of illness in Taiwan in October 1982.