
When Shen Zui's mother first met Xu Yuanju, she warned her son: Don't offend him, and don't make close friends with him.


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Shen Zui, Xu Yuanju and Zhou Yanghao were collectively known as the "Three Musketeers of the Military Control Commission". During the Agrarian Revolution and the War of Liberation, these three committed numerous heinous crimes, and their hands were stained with the blood of countless Communists and patriots, and they were called "executioners" by the world.

Even among the "executioners", there is a very obvious "chain of contempt" between the three of them. Xu Yuanju and Shen Zui are brothers, but he particularly hates Zhou Yanghao; Zhou Yanghao had a good relationship with Shen Zui before he was arrested, but in the end the two fell apart.

As for Shen Zui, he had already seen Xu Yuanju's true face after being reminded by his mother...

Shen Zui was born in Xiangtan, Hunan in 1914. After graduating from high school, he did not follow his mother Luo Qun's advice to continue his studies, but went to Shanghai to join his brother-in-law Yu Lexing.

Through the introduction of his brother-in-law, Shen Zui joined the Fuxing Society, the predecessor of the Military Control Commission, at the age of 18. At the age of 28, he was promoted to the rank of major general of the Kuomintang and gained the trust of Dai Li, the head of the Military Control Commission.

In the corrupt and corrupt Military Control Commission, Shen Zui, who was young but had a lot of experience, served successively as the Major General Director of the General Affairs Department of the headquarters, the Commissioner of the Ministry of National Defense in Yunnan and the Chief of the Yunnan Station of the Bureau of Security, the Director of the Yunnan Commissioner's Office of the Ministry of National Defense, and the Lieutenant General Guerrilla Commander.

In December 1949, Shen Zui participated in the Yunnan Uprising initiated by Lu Han and assisted Lu Han in arresting Kuomintang spies hiding in Kunming.

In the 1950s, Shen Zui was sent to Beijing Gongdelin War Criminals Management Institute for reform. In November 1960, he became the second batch of war criminals pardoned by the People's Government. After returning to society, he served as a cultural and historical commissioner of the Cultural and Historical Materials Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

In his later years, Shen Zui published many memoirs and made important contributions to the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.

As for how Shen Zui and Xu Yuanju met, there is a story behind it.

Like Shen Zui, Xu Yuanju was born in 1914 in Daye, Hubei Province, and graduated from the seventh term of the Whampoa Military Academy. He joined a spy organization in 1932 and carried out intelligence activities in Tibet in 1935.

According to Shen Zui's memoirs, "What I Saw at the War Criminals Management Center," Xu Yuanju's continuous promotion was closely related to his recommendation to Dai Li. Because of this, Xu Yuanju and Shen Zui became "brothers."

In 1942, after Shen Zui was appointed as the Director of General Affairs of the Military Intelligence Bureau, Xu Yuanju, the captain of the Chengdu Economic Inspection Team of the Kuomintang, rushed to Chongqing to congratulate him and hoped that Shen Zui would help and transfer him to the Military Intelligence Bureau.

So Shen Zui recommended Xu Yuanju to Dai Li and Mao Renfeng. After coming to work in the Military Intelligence Bureau, Xu Yuanju demonstrated a vigorous and resolute work style and achieved many "results".

However, Shen Zui more or less learned from his colleagues and friends about some of Xu Yuanju's shortcomings at work. But he seemed to be born to be a spy, ruthless and decisive, not dragged down by personal feelings, and would do anything to achieve his goals.

However, Xu Yuanju was too rebellious and often led the team into action without authorization.

In the Kuomintang, which was full of factions, especially in the Military Intelligence Bureau's secret service organization, Xu Yuanju's behavior was considered "overstepping his authority" and could easily arouse the resentment of his superiors.

However, Xu Yuanju always considered the party and the country in everything and never considered personal gain, which made Ye Xiangzhi, then director of the Operations Department of the Military Intelligence Bureau, and Wei Daming, then director of the Telecommunications Department, feel very difficult.

Therefore, Xu Yuanju is such a "thorn" that he is willing to sacrifice his life to obtain as much useful information as possible.

When Shen Zui heard about Xu Yuanju's misbehavior, he was helpless. As early as 1943, Shen Zui's mother Luo Qun had warned her son:Be careful with this person.

There is no love without reason, nor is there hatred without reason. At that time, Xu Yuanju, who was not very famous, went to his friend's house with many valuable gifts to thank Shen Zui for helping him speak well of him in front of Dai Li, and even stayed for several days.

It was also the first time that Shen's mother met Xu Yuanju, but after a few days of interaction, she found that this personBecause he had a cruel and eccentric personality, he warned his son not to make close friends with him, nor to offend him, and to be very careful.

Shen Zui had always admired his mother, but he didn't take her words to heart. However, two things that happened later proved that Shen's mother's evaluation of Xu Yuanju was right on target.

In 1948, the War of Liberation had entered a white-hot stage, and Chiang Kai-shek sent spies to various places to suppress the continuous demonstrations and student protests. The ruthless Xu Yuanju was transferred to Chongqing and secretly carried out espionage work as the second director of the Southwest Governor's Office.

One day, Xu Yuanju was severely scolded by Zhu Shaoliang, the then director of the Chongqing headquarters. Zhu Shaoliang got a copy of the Communist Party newspaper "Tianjin Daily" from nowhere. This newspaper appeared in Chongqing openly, which naturally made Zhu Shaoliang furious.

He called Xu Yuanju over and gave him a scolding, ordering him to destroy the "Tingjin Daily" within a certain period of time and capture the relevant personnel alive.

Finally, Xu Yuanju cracked down on the Tingjin Newspaper in one fell swoop. The local warlords and important military and political officials in Sichuan were like flies seeing meat, and they all held a banquet to celebrate Xu Yuanju's success.

A Sichuan warlord contacted Shen Zui, hoping to get in touch with Xu Yuanju through this relationship.

One day at noon, Shen Zui and Xu Yuanju arrived at the banquet on time. As soon as Xu Yuanju entered the room, he sat down at the main seat and started eating with chopsticks. At this time, a child who was only about ten years old said to him: The guests have not arrived yet.

Before the child could finish his words, Xu Yuanju flew into a rage and overturned the table, making Shen Zui, who was standing beside him, very embarrassed.

After overturning the table, he ignored everyone, walked out the door, jumped into the car, and drove away.

Afterwards, Shen Zui found Xu Yuanju and advised him to control his temper, but Xu Yuanju retorted harshly.

In Xu Yuanju's view: The Sichuan warlord who invited me to dinner is the master, so he must have something to ask of me. Whether to offend him or not is up to me. If Shen Zui and Xu Yuanju had no power, they would never invite me to dinner. Whether I have a close relationship with them or not will not have much impact on my future life and work.

Hearing Xu Yuanju's remarks, Shen Zui was helpless. There was another thing that could prove Xu Yuanju's fickle and eccentric character.

In the early 1950s, Shen Zui, Xu Yuanju and Zhou Yanghao were transferred to Chongqing for detention. Normally, when good friends meet again, they should ask about each other's well-being. But unexpectedly, as soon as the two met, Xu Yuanju cursed Shen Zui.

He felt that the reason he was caught by the People's Liberation Army was because Shen Zui betrayed and betrayed the enemy. What was the result? Shen Zui used only a box of snacks to shut Xu Yuanju up.

These two things confirmed what Shen's mother said about Xu Yuanju:This person has a very fickle personality. You should never make friends with him.

It was precisely because of his character flaws that Xu Yuanju eventually died a violent death.

In the winter of 1973, he was criticized for his unsatisfactory work during labor, so he quarreled with the management and took a cold shower that night. As he suffered from high blood pressure, Xu Yuanju fainted as soon as he walked out of the bathroom. After the hospital tried its best to save him, he still died.