
Luo Zhizheng's obscene video case is closed. Taiwan prosecutors: He did not admit it, so they cannot explain the test results.


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During the two elections in Taiwan earlier this year, former DPP legislator Luo Zhizheng was implied to have filmed obscene videos. On the 22nd, the New Taipei District Prosecutor's Office stated that the videos and websites that were distributed were all from "foreign IPs", so it was difficult to trace them upwards. In addition, the media that broke the news at the time determined that they reported based on the verified content and did not violate the island's "Public Officials Election and Recall Law". Luo Zhizheng did not file a lawsuit throughout the incident, so the case has been closed.

Luo Zhizheng, who was born as a scholar, was only elected as a DPP legislator in 2016. He is not a heavyweight in the political arena. Luo Zhizheng's sex scandal was not surprising to the outside world. As early as July 2017, more than six years ago, he was caught by the media twice driving to a motel with his female assistant Chen Peiying. Later, Luo Zhizheng was once regarded as a popular candidate for the mayor of New Taipei City, but his dream was shattered after this incident. However, in the 2020 election, Luo Zhizheng relied on the advantages of the overall environment to be re-elected as a legislator.

In early 2024, Luo Zhizheng was involved in another scandal. The case was caused by a foreign pornographic website that uploaded several obscene videos during the election, and the protagonist of the video was suspected to be Luo Zhizheng, which caused a great blow to his image. Although Luo Zhizheng quickly argued that the video was a "deep fake" and that the whole incident was a "smear tactic by foreign cyber troops to intervene in the election" and went to the prosecutor's office to report it, he still lost the election as a New Taipei City representative.

At that time, Luo Zhizheng went to the Taiwan authorities' "Investigation Bureau New Taipei City Investigation Office" to report the media's widespread rumor-mongering reports that violated the "Election and Recall Law." As for the obscene videos, in addition to the ones released by overseas websites at the beginning, the Taiwan "Investigation Bureau" also investigated the 20 videos released by the Kuomintang press conference. The results of the subsequent investigation were also released, confirming that the videos "are not deepfakes."

After continuous investigation by Taiwan prosecutors and investigators, it was found that most of the 20 videos released by the Kuomintang were identical. After removing the duplicates, only eight remained. The websites and IP addresses of the videos were all located overseas, so the identity of the distributors could not be traced. Luo Chih-cheng did not file a lawsuit, but only "requested to clear the facts." As for the media that broke the news, Luo Chih-cheng did not file a lawsuit either. Taiwan prosecutors and investigators determined that the content of the report was "the business reported news based on the content they verified," and it was difficult to recognize the intention of "spreading false statements with the intention of preventing the candidate from being elected." Based on the above reasons, the case was closed a few days ago.

However, the outside world is most concerned about whether the male protagonist is Luo Zhizheng. The Taiwan prosecutor said that Luo Zhizheng never admitted that the person in the video was himself. Therefore, based on relevant regulations in Taiwan, the prosecutor cannot explain any video detection results unless the adult "victim" agrees.(Lin Jingxian, Strait Herald reporter in Taiwan)