
Sitting in the front row of the Spring Festival Gala for 20 years, living in a 7-story villa, still single at the age of 74, even Jack Ma flatters her


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Every year, there is such a god-like figure in the front row of the Spring Festival Gala:

She is over 70 years old but full of energy. She lives alone in a 7-story mansion but does not feel lonely at all. Although single, she lives a happy life.

She is Jin Yuxi, who has been sitting firmly in the C position of the Spring Festival Gala for 20 years, and even Jack Ma has to give her some face.

What secret weapon does this 74-year-old strong woman have that allows her to always be the center of attention on the stage of life?

Let me tell you how this legendary aunt rode the waves of the times!

Speaking of Jin Yuxi, we have to gossip about her legendary Spring Festival Gala experience.

Just think about it, occupying the front row of the Spring Festival Gala for 20 consecutive years, this treatment is even more amazing than that of big-name stars!

I can imagine the scene in my mind: Jin Yuxi sitting there elegantly, and the stars around her couldn't help but steal a few glances at her.

But don’t think that Jin Yuxi is just a professional Spring Festival Gala watcher, she is a real big shot in the circle.

Look at Jackie Chan, Gong Huang, and Mr. Huang, these stars with halos all have to respectfully call Jin Yuxi "Sister Yuxi" when they see her.

This scene was just like the ancient court ministers meeting the Empress Dowager, which made people sigh: This is the real "countless fans"!

What’s even more amazing is that even the business tycoon Jack Ma had to humble himself and greet Jin Yuxi politely when meeting her.

No matter how you look at it, this operation seems like an idol drama: the ultimate showdown between the queen of business and the internet tycoon, who wouldn’t want to watch it!

At this point, I can't help but give Jin Yuxi a thumbs up. This is not a winner in life, this is simply a textbook of life!

But then again, who exactly is Jin Yuxi, and why so many big names treat her with such respect?

Jin Yuxi was born with a golden key. She arrived just a few days after the founding of New China in October 1949.

The time of her birth was like she was in a hurry to be reborn! It was as if she was saying to the new China: "Wait for me, let's grow up together!"

Xiao Yuxi’s father is no ordinary person, but a famous “Lingnan School” painter.

Imagine Jin Yuxi when she was a child. She might have admired her father’s masterpieces every day. She must have had a lot of artistic talent under the influence of her father!

When he was 3 years old, his family moved to Hong Kong, and he started his elite education.

This is simply like having a cheat code. At such a young age, one can appreciate the collision of Eastern and Western cultures. What an incredible vision!

What’s even more amazing is her mother, who is simply the female version of Buffett in the investment world.

Not long after coming to Hong Kong, he made his family’s wallet bulge. This is simply a textbook example of financial freedom!

Influenced by her surroundings, Xiao Yuxi also developed a special interest in investment and financial management.

Isn't this a preparation for becoming the queen of the business world in the future? I give full marks to this move!

But don’t think that Jin Yuxi is just a simple rich second generation.

She has shown amazing talent and hard work since she was young, and her life is simply blessed.

She is proficient in piano and ballet, and even her teachers give her a thumbs up.

This is not learning at all, it's just collecting badges of life achievements!

At the age of 16, she boarded a flight to the United States and began her study abroad career.

Such courage and determination are truly admirable.

Just think about it, when we were 16 years old, we were still worrying about exams, but Jin Yuxi had already made her mark on the international stage.

With such experiences, it has to be said that Jin Yuxi's life is simply a blessing in disguise.

From the C position in the Spring Festival Gala to the peak of her life, Jin Yuxi used her own experience to interpret what it means to be a "winner in life."

Speaking of Jin Yuxi's study abroad experience, it is truly a legend!

Flying to the United States alone at the age of 16, this courage is simply off the charts!

Imagine a teenage girl, carrying a lot of bags, setting foot on that strange land.

No matter how you look at it, that scene looked like a youth inspirational film, with the protagonist's halo shining brightly!

Jin Yuxi first studied in Hawaii. The environment there, with sunshine, beaches, and coconut trees, was simply a resort!

But don't think she's just there to enjoy life.

They go there to study hard, I give them full marks for this self-control!

Later she transferred to Brigham Young University, majoring in piano.

Imagine the melodious sound of piano coming from the piano room, Jin Yuxi sitting in front of the piano, her fingertips dancing on the black and white keys. The picture is so beautiful!

But our heroine is not just a vase who can only play the piano.

She is a superstar on campus and was even awarded the title of "Chinese Narcissus Princess".

This is the standard of a campus goddess! Just imagine Jin Yuxi wearing a dress and a crown standing in the center of the stage. Her aura is amazing!

But don’t think that Jin Yuxi’s study abroad life was smooth sailing.

In order to reduce the burden on her family, she had to work and study at the same time.

When I first arrived in the United States, I was unfamiliar with the language and culture, and I had to balance study and work. The difficulty was comparable to playing a soul-related game!

Imagine attending classes during the day, working at night, and doing homework on weekends. This kind of life is simply challenging the limits of human beings!

But our heroine Jin Yuxi is not someone who gives up easily.

She relied on her own strength to carve out a path for herself in a foreign country.

This kind of fighting spirit is simply the "female version of Phoenix Man", so admirable!

What was the final result? Not only did Yue-Sai Kan get a master's degree in music, she also got a degree in political science.

This operation is simply a fighter among academic masters!

Imagine Jin Yuxi holding two degree certificates, standing on the stage of the graduation ceremony, that confident smile will blind everyone!

However, the subsequent plot twist was unexpected.

When she received her master's degree in music, she suddenly realized that she might not be able to reach the top level in the field of music.

This kind of self-awareness is truly awe-inspiring.

Many people may choose to be content with the status quo, but Jin Yuxi resolutely chose to give up and instead look for a new direction in life.

This courage is even more shocking than her going abroad to study at the age of 16!

Imagine Jin Yuxi standing at the crossroads of life, resolutely turning away from the familiar music world and heading into an unknown new realm.

No matter how you look at it, this scene looks like an inspirational blockbuster!

After giving up her music career, Jin Yuxi did not sit idle but started a new round of struggle.

This wave of operations is simply the second cycle of life!

After returning to China, she first worked as a bilingual program host at a well-known TV station in Manhattan.

Imagine Jin Yuxi standing in front of the camera, hosting the show fluently in Chinese and English. Her aura is simply too powerful!

But our heroine is not satisfied with this.

Soon she started her own television production company.

This operation is simply putting one's career on a rocket track!

The first program launched by Jin Yuxi’s company was "Looking at the East", which was broadcast for 12 years.

This lasts even longer than my first love!

"Looking East" has successfully showcased the charm of China to the world. Jin Yuxi's actions are like a civilian foreign minister!

But starting a business is not that easy?

The company soon encountered problems such as capital shortage and internal conflicts.

This scene looks like a start-up drama, with so many climaxes and it’s so gripping!

Faced with these difficulties, Jin Yuxi demonstrated amazing business acumen.

She boldly introduced television advertising, which not only solved the funding problem but also set a precedent for the commercial development of Chinese television programs.

This wave of operations gives me the feeling of being the queen of the business world!

Imagine Jin Yuxi standing in the conference room, passionately expounding her advertising plan. That scene would be even more exciting than Jack Ma’s speech!

In 1984, Yu-Sai Kan was invited to host a live broadcast of the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

This treatment is just like that of a national-level host!

The following year, she produced the program "Around the World" to introduce the customs and cultures of different parts of the world to the Chinese people.

Jin Yuxi is going to be the nation's geography teacher. I give her full marks for this wave of knowledge popularization!

In addition, she also created programs such as "Yu-Sai's World" and "Half the Sky", successfully building a bridge connecting Eastern and Western cultures.

This action is simply that of a cultural exchange ambassador. It would be unreasonable not to award her the Nobel Peace Prize!

But Jin Yuxi's ambition does not stop there.

She was keenly aware of the huge potential of the cosmetics industry in the Chinese market.

This insight is simply the Sherlock Holmes of the business world!

So she opened her first cosmetics store in Shanghai and founded the "Yue-Sai" brand.

Imagine Jin Yuxi personally standing in front of the counter, introducing her own cosmetics to customers. That scene is simply the highest realm for a boss lady!

Under her management, "Yu-Sai" quickly became a leading brand in China's cosmetics industry.

This wave of operations is simply the business version of "calling a horse a zebra"!

Jin Yuxi has proved with her actions that she is not only a frequent guest in the front row of the Spring Festival Gala, but also a big shark in the business world.

From TV production to cosmetics brands, Jin Yuxi's business empire continues to expand, and she is almost putting half of China into her pocket!

After talking about Jin Yuxi's career, we have to gossip about her private life.

After all, such an outstanding woman must have a colorful love life, right?

It’s true that Jin Yuxi’s love story is also full of twists and turns.

At the age of 50, Jin Yuxi finally found her other half and married Ma Mingsi, who was 18 years older than her.

This move is really a shot in the arm for the majority of leftover women!

However, the marriage only lasted for 5 years.

This plot twist seems like an idol drama no matter how you look at it!

But Jin Yuxi is not the kind of person who would be devastated by a setback in love.

After the divorce, she not only did not become depressed, but lived a more wonderful life.

This wave of operations is simply a vivid life lesson for modern society where the divorce rate is soaring!

Now 74 years old, Jin Yuxi is still single.

But don't think her life is dull from now on.

On the contrary, her later life was very wonderful!

She is passionate about charity and often donates generously to bring warmth to children in poor areas.

This love is so touching!

Imagine Jin Yuxi walking around a primary school in the mountains, talking and laughing with the children. The scene is even more touching than a blockbuster movie!

In addition, Jin Yuxi also likes to travel around and appreciate the beautiful scenery around the world.

This retirement life is really enviable!

She also often shares her daily life on social platforms, showing her colorful later life.

This operation is simply teaching everyone how to age gracefully!

Seeing this, I couldn’t help but want to give Jin Yuxi a thumbs up.

He can still live such a wonderful life at the age of 74. He is not just a winner in life, he is a textbook of life!

Jin Yuxi used her life to interpret what it means to "live, learn and work hard until old age."

From an international student to a business queen, from a TV producer to a cosmetics brand founder, and now to a charity expert.

Jin Yuxi's life experience is simply a real-life inspirational blockbuster!

Her story tells us that it is never too late to start life, and you can start again anytime you want.

What is the secret of Yu-Sai Kan’s success?

Perhaps it is her never-give-up fighting spirit, perhaps it is her keen business sense, or perhaps it is her love for life.

But no matter what, Jin Yuxi's story is worth our careful appreciation.

She uses her own experience to tell us: Life is like a play, and it all depends on your acting skills.

As long as you dare to act, the stage is yours!