
Communications have not yet been fully restored in 16 towns in Jianchang County, Liaoning Province


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Since August 19, Huludao City, Liaoning Province, has experienced continuous heavy rainfall, and communications in Jianchang County have been temporarily interrupted. According to the previous Upstream News report "Most of the townships that lost contact in the flood in Jianchang County, Liaoning Province have restored communications, and trapped residents have reported safety", after the dangerous situation occurred, many operators quickly carried out emergency repair work, and communications in Jianchang County and some townships began to be restored on August 20. On August 22, the staff of the Jianchang Flood Control Command said in an interview with Upstream News reporters that there are still parts of 16 townships such as Heishanke Township, Datun Town, and Hezhangzi Township that have not yet fully restored communications and are in a state of communication interruption. They are currently coordinating helicopter support with emergency communication systems.

Flood damage to roads in Jianchang County. Image source/video screenshot

Heishanke Township is one of the towns hardest hit by heavy rainfall in the city, with roads damaged, communication infrastructure damaged, trees fallen, and houses flooded. According to local residents, the roads to some villages were damaged and vehicles could not pass through. The areas of Erdaohezi Village and Yangshudixia Village were still out of contact. Some roads could be traversed on foot, but there was no signal until leaving the area. Due to the road interruption, the rescue forces organized by the government departments could only transport daily necessities on foot.

Affected by the heavy rain, Jianchang County's communication facilities were damaged, and the emergency communication guarantee task was very arduous. According to the staff of Jianchang Flood Control Headquarters, at present, some places in 16 townships, including Heishanke Township, Datun Town, and Hezhangzi Township, have not yet fully restored communications and are still in a state of communication interruption. Suizhong County, which borders Jianchang County, was also severely affected, and two of its neighboring townships were also in a state of communication interruption.

According to the staff, in order to restore communications as soon as possible, a helicopter equipped with an emergency communications system is currently being coordinated from Suizhong County to support Jianchang County. The system has achieved signal coverage of 60 kilometers.

It is reported that at around 3 pm on the 21st, all people in the disaster-stricken areas had been evacuated and their safety was guaranteed. "The characteristics of floods in the Northeast are that they come quickly and fall quickly. The water level decreases in a few hours. Local people call this situation "Niu Niu Shui". Now the water level has basically receded. The current work is to repair the water. Rescue teams from all parties are helping to maintain roads and repair electricity." At present, the transfer of personnel is the responsibility of local town governments, and the resettlement sites are primary schools, middle schools, and village offices in various places. Daily necessities such as toilets, sausages, drinking water, and medicines can be guaranteed.

Upstream News reporter Zhang Ying