
Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspection Team: Some localities have not implemented ecological and environmental protection responsibilities effectively


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Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 22nd. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment released information on the 22nd that the second batch of the third round of central ecological and environmental protection inspection teams gave feedback on the inspection situation to Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Chongqing, Yunnan and other 7 provinces (cities) from the 20th to the 21st, pointing out that the implementation of ecological and environmental protection responsibilities in some places was not strong enough.

The inspector pointed out that, in general, the seven provinces (cities) attached great importance to the construction of ecological civilization and the protection of the ecological environment, strictly implemented the requirements of "jointly protecting the environment and not pursuing large-scale development" in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and fought hard to win the battle against pollution. Great results have been achieved in their work, but the inspector also found some problems and shortcomings.

The inspection found that some places have not fully implemented Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, there is still a gap in coordinating high-quality development and high-level protection, the "two highs" projects are blindly launched and poorly controlled, the illegal disposal of construction waste is relatively prominent, and there are still some outstanding problems in the protection and restoration of the Yangtze River; there are weak links in the fight against pollution, the environmental air quality in some places has rebounded, and the environmental infrastructure of some cities and prefectures has obvious shortcomings; ecological protection and restoration still needs to be strengthened, ecological damage to forests and nature reserves occurs from time to time, and the ecological governance and restoration of some mines are not in place; some third-party environmental testing agencies have problems with data falsification.

The inspectors stressed that it is necessary to guide and urge the inspected provinces to study and formulate rectification plans, continue to strengthen coordination and supervision in subsequent work, keep a close eye on the problems found, and push local governments to effectively implement rectification and achieve real results.