
This summer's practical activities are very "real", and college students have also produced a special research report


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Every summer vacation is the peak period for students to conduct social practice, but what worries many students and parents is that summer social practice often fails to achieve the expected results. How to make summer social practice truly "real"? In order to gain both benefits and reflections after practice, you may wish to see how the following students did it.
In early August, a group of young "guests" came to Wuxi Power Supply Company. They were college students from the School of Information Science and Technology of Hohai University who came to participate in social practice. Unlike the previous students who "followed arrangements", this group of students "had their own ideas".
"Our practice group is to focus on the new quality productivity, a major national strategy, and go to the front line of power grid production to investigate the green power and green certificate trading of Wuxi Power Grid, the access of new energy power generation, and the distribution of new energy vehicle charging piles." Zhang Ziyan, a 2023 undergraduate student in the practice group, said. She and her classmates had a clear and specific goal before coming: to focus on cultivating talents urgently needed to develop new quality productivity and target the job needs of key national industries.
To this end, Zhang Ziyan and eight other classmates, including Zhang Yiwen, Zhou Xinyu, Wang Xuan, Zhang Ran, Xia Tongtong, Jiang Yujie, and Zhang Yanggong, divided the work and worked together to do their homework. They prepared a practical outline based on the aspects of their major, graduation time, career plan, the gap between the job and the knowledge they learned, changes in mentality before and after employment, and participation in competitions.
In order to understand the application and value of the next generation of communication and information technology in the power grid, the practice group spent two days carefully "studying" the Wuxi Power Grid Control Center, the Communication and Information Center computer room, the electric vehicle company, the power grid smart business hall, the 5G shared base station and the 220 kV substation. They learned about the green energy applications such as the Wuxi Power Grid's green electricity and green certificate trading, new energy power generation access, and new energy vehicle charging pile distribution, exploring the secrets of new quality productivity.
"In case we didn't understand some parts, we collected information from the Hohai University Wuxi Alumni Association about Hohai alumni who have worked at State Grid Wuxi Power Supply Company in recent years and invited five senior students to give lectures," said Wang Xuan, a member of the practice group. As a result, they had an unexpected gain: they met He Guanghua, an outstanding alumnus of Hohai University, a representative of the 14th National People's Congress and a national model worker, and visited her innovation studio.
In He Guanghua Innovation Studio, the practice group followed the innovation footsteps of their senior sisters, learned about cable laying, structure and operation and maintenance knowledge from the innovative achievements with pictures and texts, and entered the cable operation and maintenance monitoring center, where they saw the application of fiber optic communication technology, wireless communication technology, digital twin technology, and drone technology in cable operation and maintenance, and experienced the charm of transforming innovation into productivity and improving labor efficiency.
August is the peak summer power supply period. The high temperatures for several days have pushed Wuxi's power load to 16.389 million kilowatts, and it has repeatedly set new historical highs this year. Therefore, the dispatching hall aroused great interest among the practice group members. After learning about the access and consumption of Wuxi's new energy power generation from the dispatcher, they went to the communication and information center computer room to see the optical transmission equipment, wireless communication equipment, switches, routers, servers and various distribution frames that are not found in school classrooms.
In addition, the practice group left solid footprints and in-depth thinking at the State Grid Wuxi Electric Vehicle Company, the power grid's smart business hall, and the 5G base stations jointly built by Wuxi Power Supply and Wuxi Mobile.
Through 12 days of intensive visits, studies and research, the members of the practice group deeply felt the urgency of the need for technical talents who understand both electricity and information and communications in the construction of a new power system, and clarified the growth path to becoming "multi-talented" compound talents.
After the research and study, the practice group discussed the research on Wuxi green electricity trading and formed the "Wuxi Green Electricity Market Research and Analysis Report", taking the first step on the road to exploring new quality productivity. In this social practice, the team members' teamwork ability, organizational coordination ability, communication and problem-solving ability have been further improved.
Yangtze Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Zhang Jianbo Dingbo
Proofread by Sheng Yuanyuan