
Lei Jun responded to Xiaomi losing more than 60,000 yuan for selling a car: Making cars is hard, but success must be cool, Xiaomi Automobile is still in the investment period


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On August 21, Lei Jun disclosed the quarterly results of the automotive business for the first time, and then the topic "Xiaomi loses more than 60,000 yuan for each car sold" became a hot search. Late at night, Lei Jun issued a statement in response.

Lei Jun and Xiaomi Motors

Lei Jun said: "Making cars is hard, but success must be cool! Xiaomi Auto is still in the investment stage, I hope everyone understands."

Earlier, Lei Jun published a post about Xiaomi's second quarter financial report: revenue of 88.9 billion, up 32%; adjusted net profit of 6.2 billion, up 20.1%. Adhering to the principle of technology, R&D investment was 5.5 billion, up 20.7%.

Smart car and other innovative businesses: Delivery speed up, the annual delivery target of 100,000 vehicles is expected to be completed in November. 27,307 vehicles were delivered in the second quarter, with revenue of 6.4 billion and gross profit margin of 15.4%; loss of 1.8 billion, still in the high investment stage.

According to Qidian News, the revenue of innovative businesses such as smart electric vehicles was 6.4 billion yuan, and 27,307 new cars were delivered in a single quarter. The net loss of innovative businesses such as smart electric vehicles was 1.8 billion yuan. Based on this, Xiaomi Auto lost more than 60,000 yuan per vehicle. The automotive business needs to share the costs of factory construction, technology research and development, personnel costs, store construction, etc. in the early stage, and losses are normal.

[Source: Jiupai News, a comprehensive analysis of relevant social accounts and Qidian News]

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