
The "rejuvenating medicine" for eyes has been found! Apply it to your eyes and your eyes will no longer be dry and dry.


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Eyes full of spring water, wanting to speak but unable to

A pair of eyes conveys a thousand emotions

Every time I see these lively eyes

I feel my heart is melting

A pair of beautiful and bright eyes

It's like there are stars in my eyes

Makes your appearance rise sharply

The whole person's temperament is also more eye-catching

Who doesn't want to have bright eyes?

But modern people watch electronic products every day

Staring at the computer for 8 hours a day

When I got home at night, I kept looking at my phone

I feel like my eyes are going to fail.

Take a closer look at the eyes.Deep eye sockets

The rainbow is full of bloodshot and the black circles in the eye bags are obvious.

Dull eyes , I suddenly aged several years

Faced with an endless bombardment of electronic products during the day

Working overtime at night and staying up late has become a habit

Not to mention women who wear makeup

Contact lenses and eye makeup can easily bring bacteria to your eyes

My eyes are suffering every day.

Dry eyes, eye pain, eye aging come uninvited

If you have dry and painful eyes

There is bloodshot in the middle of the eye and the vision becomes blurred

Please note that these are all distress signals from the eyes

Excessive use of the eyes can cause eye fatigue

Long-term eye fatigue

As we age

Weakened ability of the eyes to adjust themselves

Frequent eye discomfort

Eye fatigue is not taken seriously

Continued high/intensity, close eye use

Myopia will become more serious

It not only adds a lot of trouble to daily life

Myopia of more than 600 degrees

There is a high possibility that it will be passed on to the next generation

And the lens of the eye is deformed to a certain extent

Myopia and presbyopia will exist at the same time

At that time, you need to wear reading glasses to see close up.

Wear glasses to see far away

At such a young age, he is like a half-blind man.

Chronic dry eyes and less tears

The eyes lose their protective and lubricating tears

It’s easy to get infected by bacteria and dirt

It can't be solved without going to the hospital

Long-term overuse of eyes

It will cause irreversible damage

It is likely to develop into cataracts

Glaucoma and even blindness

Protect your eyes from now on

Now many people feel eye discomfort

I need to put eye drops in, but I don't know

Many eye drops contain preservatives

Long-term use without eye protection will hurt your eyes

Steam eye mask is simply a hot compress.

In fact, the effect is very limited

Folk remedies are even more unreliable

It may also have the opposite effect

Eyes are our windows to the world

Eye protection is urgent

Today I recommend this to you

Li Shizhen Herbal Golden Vision Eye Patch

In recent years, Chinese medicine has been widely used in the field of eye diseases

A lot of progress has been made and it has been recognized by many parties

More and more Chinese herbal medicine prescriptions

Used to solve eye problems

This Li Shizhen Herbal Golden Vision Eye Patch

Using Chinese herbal extracts

Produced by Li Shizhen Herbal Research Institute

Improved according to the recipe of Compendium of Materia Medica

Solving eye problems from a TCM perspective

Available in offline pharmacies , quality is trustworthy

This Li Shizhen Herbal Golden Vision Eye Patch

The effect is visible to everyone

Recommended by famous people

Relieve eye fatigue and protect eyes

Many people said after using it

Cool and comfortable

The soreness in the eyes disappeared

The bloodshot in my eyes has gone down a lot

My eyes are bright


Herbal extracts, scientifically formulated

Passed quality inspection, rest assured

Life depends on "eye skills"

Eyes are indispensable in daily life

You can't not protect your eyes

Everyone is familiar with Li Ricunzhen

One of the four famous doctors in ancient China

He compiled the Compendium of Materia Medica

It has great significance for future medical research

In the eighth year of Wanli, Li Ricunzhen was

Wang Shizhen, the Minister of Criminal Affairs, cures his eye disease

After preparing a prescription, his eye disease improved.

This prescription was recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica.

Li Ricunzhen Research Institute and experts from all parties

Establishment of a joint laboratory to carry out scientific research

Study on some herbal plants in Compendium of Materia Medica

Found several for the eyes

Herbs with significant effects

This Li Shizhen Herbal Golden Vision Eye Patch

Inheriting the prescription of Compendium of Materia Medica

36 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine extracts

The main ingredients, secondary ingredients, auxiliary ingredients and envoys are scientifically matched.

Nourish your eyes and give you bright eyes

Angelica, Dendrobium, Salvia, Chrysanthemum

Peony bark, stone cassia, mint

Mainly aminotaurine

Mulberry branches, Stemona tuberosa and other herbs as supplements

Deeply care for your eyes and solve eye problems

AngelicaSalvia miltiorrhiza

Promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, eliminate eye fatigue

Good for blood circulation around eyes

Make the essence easier to absorb

Dendrobium officinale, stone cassia

Clears away heat and improves eyesight

Commonly used for blurred vision, amblyopia and cataract

Aminotaurine , white crystals

An amino acid required by the human body

Commonly used forImprove visual function

Eliminate inflammation and relieve pain, inhibit the occurrence and development of cataracts

Also addedMint

Cool and dissipate heat, clear the head

Stick it on your eyesFeeling cool

Tired and sore eyes will gradually become comfortable

Natural Herbal Essence

Does not contain heavy metals and other harmful substances

Passed quality inspection, you can rest assured to paste

When your eyes are tired and dry

Take 15 minutes , stick it on your eyes

Close your eyes and feel the coolness

My eyes feel so comfortable that I want to sleep


Acupoint application, deep penetration

Solve various eye problems

Traditional Chinese medicine says that fatigue of the eyes

It will cause blockage of eye acupoints

Poor blood circulation around the eyes

Causes distension, soreness, and blurred vision

This Li Shizhen eye patch

Acupoint application

Transdermal drug delivery to stimulate eye activity

More effective than doing 10 eye exercises

Dissolve, atomize, remove turbidity, moisturize eyes

Integrate conditioning, anti-inflammatory and nourishing functions

Helps relax muscles and tendons, and improve blood circulation around the eyes

Revitalize the eyes, brighten eyes

Stick it on, the essence acts on the eye acupuncture points

Improve blood circulation in the eyes

It is beneficial to eye metabolism and discharge of eye waste

Clean and comfortable eyes

When your eyes are tired

You can take out a sticker to relax

Eyes are moist after applying

My eyes aren't so cloudy anymore.

People who use their eyes too much and have bloodshot eyes

Stick to one every day

The eyes will soon become clear

Eyes are bright and shining

Not just staying on the surface, the essence penetrates deep into the skin

Absorption rate is over 85%

One patch is equivalent to 10 times of ordinary eye mask

After applying it, you can feel the area around your eyes is moisturized

People who often stay up late

The area around the eyes is often uneven

My eyes look smaller

Apply it every day to make your eyes bigger and brighter

People who watch computers and mobile phones every day

Panda Eyes It's almost become factory standard.

Around the eyesDry lines It is also obvious

Give your eyes a SPA during your break

Revitalizes the eyes and makes you feel energetic

My friend's children usually have a lot of homework.

Often do homework until midnight

At a young age, he says he sees things blurry

After using this eye patch for a while

The child said that his eyes don’t get tired easily anymore

Things aren't so blurry anymore.

Office workers, students, seniors

People who overuse their eyes

One patch a day to relieve fatigue

Stick out star eyes and restore your bright eyes


Detailed design, easy to use

The whole family can use it, anytime, anywhere

This eye patch is based onErgonomics design

special use Extended tail design

Seamless fit around eye points

Covers the eye area without leaving any dead corners

Eye patchMicron grade cotton membrane cloth

Gentle and skin-friendly, very comfortable to apply

Good water absorption , lock in the essence of herbs

Open it and squeeze it with your hands

Full of herbal essences, full of medicinal fragrance

One pack contains two pieces, just enough for both eyes.

Independent packaging, easy to carry

You can stick it wherever you go to protect your eyes anytime, anywhere

Each sticker usesHigh-tech plant extraction technology

Produced in a 100,000-class sterile workshop

Comply with GMP national standards

Strict production, safe use

It is also very simple to use

Clean and wipe away dust and dirt around eyes

Open the package and take out the eye patch

Apply to the eye area

It can be removed in 10~15 minutes

Whether you are looking at the computer for a long timeOffice Workers

Eye function declineElderly

Still have a heavy workloadstudent

You can apply it at any time to make your eyes more comfortable

Screen people, computer workers

Long distance driver , dry eyes, eye fatigue

Just one patch will make your eyes moist and energetic

teenager It’s time to learn

Develop good eye habits from an early age

Stick a patch to protect your eyes and prevent vision loss

Elderly , decreased eye function

Presbyopia and blurred vision are more common

Stick it on, no more tears in the wind

No more dry eyes

After posting for a while

All kinds of annoying eye problems are gone

My eyes are relaxed and I feel comfortable.

Tiredness starts from the eyes, apply it early and feel comfortable

Buy a few boxes for your parents, children, and yourself.

Keep a "little green sticker" at home to protect your eyes at all times