
「Video」Exploring the new project of the World Skills Competition, revealing the birth of the "all-round production robot"


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In the dual waves of globalization and technological revolution, innovative, efficient, green and intelligent industrial transformation is surging in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. As "new quality productivity" has become a hot word in China's economic development, a series of new technologies are closely related to Guangdong. One out of every three industrial robots and one out of every four new energy vehicles in the country is "made in Guangdong."
Industrial robots are known as the "crown jewel of the manufacturing industry". At the 47th World Skills Competition to be held soon, my country will participate in the robot system integration project for the first time. Guangzhou Mechanical and Electrical Technician College is the Chinese training base for the robot system integration project, autonomous mobile robot project, and mechatronics project of the 47th World Skills Competition. Recently, the reporter visited this emerging project of the World Skills Competition and visited the players' preparations.
2 people build a robot that meets production needs in 4 days
At the training site of the robot integration project, Guangdong contestants Wu Longhui and Liu Fuqiang are busy in an orderly manner. In September this year, they will go to Lyon, France, to represent China in the world championship.
At the scene, there were only two contestants, one sitting in front of a computer doing mechanical and electrical design; the other standing in front of a workbench, building the robot's modules.
The contestants of this project need to design the mechanical and electrical parts of the robot, assemble and debug it according to production needs, so that the robot can meet the corresponding functions, such as loading and unloading, handling, assembly, stacking, welding, gluing, etc. The contestants must understand the manufacturing process, control system, the technological development of multi-joint arms, and the evolution of robotization rules.
Li Ruifeng, leader of the expert group of the national training team for the World Skills Robot System Integration Project and professor at the Robotics Institute of Harbin Institute of Technology, said: "Competitors need to complete multiple module tasks within 4 days, involving mechanical design and installation, electrical design and connection, robot system programming and debugging, and expansion tasks. Because it is a two-person project, the work organization and management modules will run through the entire competition process to assess the communication skills of the contestants."
"The assessment tasks are all transformed from actual production tasks." Li Ruifeng said that these tasks require very high skills of the contestants. "For example, when assembling a cup, the lid and the cup cannot be simply closed, but must be aligned and closed. If they are not aligned, then the processing is a failure."
The World Skills Competition standard has become the training standard for skilled talents in Guangdong
"The WorldSkills Competition is an important platform for the cultivation of high-skilled talents. By building a national training base, it not only strengthens the communication and promotion between schools, but also promotes the deep integration of schools and enterprises." Xie Li, full-time deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Guangzhou Mechanical and Electrical Technician College, said that the WorldSkills project has a complete competition system. The college combines the WorldSkills standards and resources, player training path models, etc. in the formulation of talent training programs, curriculum resource construction, faculty team building, and teaching implementation.
"For example, we can combine the students' semester plans to sort out the ability system requirements for each stage and transform them into the professional curriculum system accordingly, which can help us improve the teaching quality of the entire major." Xie Li said, "Now, the school has transformed the technical content, evaluation standards and professional quality training requirements of the World Skills Competition into regular professional construction and curriculum systems. The highly skilled talents cultivated are highly recognized by leading companies such as Huawei and GAC."
Moreover, the application of this model is not limited to the top players in the competition class, but covers all levels of students from intermediate workers, senior workers to preparatory technicians. This also allows the outstanding talents trained by the college, especially those who have achieved excellent results in the World Skills Competition, to play a key role in the first-line industries, using professional skills to improve production efficiency and promote industrial transformation and upgrading.
Guangdong: Providing skilled talent support for new quality productivity
With the continuous development of the economy and society, batches of new professions have been "certified" by the state. Guangdong technical schools have already started to scientifically position themselves early to meet the new demands for the training of technical and skilled personnel in new formats, new models, new technologies, and new professions.
Industrial robot system operator is one of the emerging professions in recent years. With the rapid development of industrial automation and intelligent manufacturing, the widespread application of industrial robots has become an important means for enterprises to improve production efficiency and quality and reduce labor costs. Therefore, the demand for professionals who master the operation, maintenance, debugging, troubleshooting and system integration of industrial robots is increasing.
Guangdong is relying on the WorldSkills Competition to improve the level of skilled talents while integrating government, enterprise and school resources, promoting the formation of an industry-education interest community guided by the real job standards of leading industry enterprises, based on the enrollment and training capabilities of colleges and universities, and linked by talent evaluation, to realize the social value of skilled talents in human capital investment, human resource utilization, and social policies, and strive to cultivate "new craftsmen" for the industry, providing strong skilled talent support for new quality productivity.
Text | Reporter Zhou Cong Correspondent Yue RenxuanPhoto: Reporter He Yu and Zhou CongVideo|Reporters Zhou Cong, Wang Jiongxun, Zhou Wei, and He Yu