
The Philippines went back on its word and caused trouble again. What will be the consequences?


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They just work for the "boss behind the scenes" and act according to the "boss behind the scenes"'s instructions.

Text | Haishangke

The Philippines was at the forefront. On August 19, its coast guard ship intruded into the waters near Xianbin Reef in China's Nansha Islands and rammed the Chinese Coast Guard Boat 21551.
Then, the US government came forward and claimed to "condemn China's actions in the South China Sea."
Afterwards, "Yuyuan Tantian" disclosed on Weibo that "According to US media confirmation, there were American journalists reporting on board the ship."
It is not difficult to see that the United States is the "backstage" behind the Philippines' various meddling in the South China Sea. It is indeed funny that this "boss" has surfaced, or rushed to the front stage from the backstage!
Western journalists on a Philippine Coast Guard ship: Screenshot of Kankan News


Why are there so many Western media behind the Philippine Coast Guard ship ramming a Chinese ship? Once this incident was exposed, it was clear that the fundamental purpose of some people in the Philippines was not to safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Philippines, let alone the overall interests of the Philippines.
They just work for the "boss behind the scenes" and act according to the "boss behind the scenes"'s instructions.
Those journalists from Western media play a different role.
The Philippine Coast Guard ship hit the Chinese ship, and then the Western media reporters pointed their "long guns and short guns" at the Chinese side. What is certain is that -
These Western journalists who came on Philippine Coast Guard ships will screen all the footage after filming. If the Chinese Coast Guard takes action against the Philippine Coast Guard, such as using guns and cannons like fighting pirates, or using water cannons, all these actions will be recorded by these Western media and become evidence of China's use of force.
But this time, it is clear that the Chinese ship was hit by the Philippine Coast Guard ship. The footage shot and released by the Chinese Coast Guard has clearly explained this issue.
The spokesperson of the China Coast Guard Bureau made a statement and released the picture about the Philippine Coast Guard ship deliberately colliding with our Coast Guard ship.
Perhaps China's action on August 19 disappointed the Philippine Coast Guard and Western journalists on board, and even more so some Philippine politicians and their "bosses behind the scenes."


Of course, China has also spared no effort in safeguarding its sovereignty and security in the South China Sea.
Before Marcos Jr. became the President of the Philippines, China reached a gentleman's agreement with then President Duterte. When Marcos Jr. came to power, he seemed to have a good understanding with China during his visit to China. In his country, because Duterte's daughter Sara served as the Vice President of the Philippines, it seemed that Marcos Jr. had formed an alliance with the Duterte family in the country and continued Duterte's policies.
But not long after, Marcos Jr. went back on his word. He even frequently made trouble, especially after illegally reinforcing the USS Sierra Madre landing ship that illegally "paralyzed" Ren'ai Reef. He then claimed that the Philippines and the United States had a mutual defense treaty. He even publicly claimed that if there was a conflict with other countries over the South China Sea issue, the US-Philippines joint defense would be activated as long as a Filipino died.
Uncle Hai has to say that Marcos Jr.'s statement really shows that he is not clear about who is the master and who is the servant between himself and the United States.
Marcos Jr.: Information
Before the Americans even announced how to activate the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty, Marcos Jr. jumped out to say these words. Does he think he is not only the President of the Philippines, but also the President of the United States?
Of course, historically, after the war between the United States and Spain, the Philippines, which was originally a Spanish colony, was ceded to the United States. The Philippines became the only overseas colony in the history of the United States. But that only means that the United States was once the master of the Philippines.
Of course, this has also resulted in the majority of Filipinos currently having Asian ancestry and Spanish surnames, but speaking English in daily communication.
Marcos Jr. should have thought about how to integrate the entire Filipino nation—
After all, the Philippines has many islands, and the islands may not work together for a long time. His various domestic policies are actually causing some islands to have separatist tendencies, including Mindanao.
Anyway, the Philippines is in chaos. For example, Duterte once cracked down on the drug problem, and Marcos Jr. doesn't know how to deal with the resurgence of the drug problem.
Under such circumstances, does the Philippines still have time to stir up trouble in the South China Sea and China?
Isn’t it the “boss behind the scenes” who gave the order?
What "weapon" did the United States hold on Marcos Jr. that made him so fickle?
Uncle Hai always feels that by doing this, Marcos Jr. will not gain any advantage except making his own country's reputation worthless!


How to deal with the Philippines?
Hai Shu believes that China faces several "strategic circles" in the issue of the Philippines causing trouble in the South China Sea.
The most core issue is that the Chinese central government has to face the issue of national reunification.You know, to the east of China's Taiwan Province is the Philippines. China and the Philippines are neighboring countries, of course, they are adjacent to each other on the sea. The closest to them is none other than Taiwan Island. Of course, before the reunification of the motherland, our People's Liberation Army, Coast Guard, and other maritime forces can defend the country. But imagine, if after the reunification of the motherland, starting from the base on Taiwan Island, wouldn't it be better to protect the motherland's sea borders?
The issue that is closest to the bull's eye is, of course, the relationship between China and the Philippines.China and the Philippines had no grudges in the past, and they do not want to make enemies recently. But someone in the Philippines wants to make trouble. Then we have to let the Philippines know that China treats ASEAN countries equally and with courtesy in the process of contact and communication. The most recent example is the visit of General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President of Vietnam Su Linzhi to China. In addition to ASEAN countries, the relationship between some South Pacific countries and China is also an example. For example, from August 12 to 21, Fijian Prime Minister Rambuka embarked on his first visit to China during his second term as prime minister. During the entire 10-day journey, Rambuka said that he "has been taking notes." It can be seen that he not only recognizes China's development, but also wants to learn from China's experience. Hai Shu can't help but ask, doesn't the Philippines want to accelerate development, put the entire country's economy on the fast track, and let the people live a good life? China and the Philippines, in addition to some Philippine politicians who want to make trouble in the South China Sea through various means, there are still many areas worth developing. In any case, we should pay attention to the balance and make choices that are in line with national interests. At the same time, we also need to have more contact with various factions in the Philippines!
The most peripheral issue, which is actually a very important one, is the issue of the "behind-the-scenes boss" in the Philippines.Let them toss about it. I always feel that after a period of time, when China-US relations reach a new balance, the so-called problems between the Philippines and China, and many other problems, will be solved.
China is currently tackling issues, and it must focus on the main contradictions! Once this point is clear, it should continue to maintain strategic focus. The Philippines itself should really think about the consequences!