
The fallen official spent tens of thousands of yuan on a meal and felt wronged because he could not afford a down payment of hundreds of thousands of yuan


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On August 21, China's Discipline Inspection and Supervision News published an article titled "Analysis of the Serious Disciplinary and Legal Violations of Yu Jike, Former Member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Science and Technology Bureau of Bijie City, Guizhou Province."

Yu Jike, male, born in September 1976, joined the Communist Party of China in December 1998 and started working in July 2001.

He had served as deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee of Lügezhuang Town, Laiyang City, Shandong Province; organization committee member of the Lügezhuang Town Party Committee; member of the Yangjun Town Party Committee and deputy mayor; deputy secretary of the Zhaowangzhuang Town Party Committee; secretary of the Pingshan Township Party Committee of Hezhang County, Bijie City, Guizhou Province; deputy county magistrate of Hezhang County People's Government; member of the Standing Committee of the Hezhang County Party Committee and secretary of the Hezhen Township Party Committee; member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy director of the Bijie Municipal Science and Technology Bureau.

In March 2023, Yu Jike was investigated by the Bijie Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision for suspected serious violations of discipline and law and was detained. In September 2023, Yu Jike was expelled from the Party and removed from public office.

In August 2024, Yu Jike was sentenced to nine years in prison and fined 700,000 yuan for the crime of accepting bribes.

Yu Jike was sentenced to nine years in prison and fined RMB 700,000 for the crime of accepting bribes (file photo)

Yu Jike was born in an ordinary family in Laiyang, Shandong. He had good academic performance and strong ambition since childhood. In 2001, he joined the Youth League Committee of Lvgezhuang Town, Laiyang City. Because of his hard work, seriousness and responsibility, he was soon promoted to the Organization Committee of the Town Party Committee. Later, he served as a member of the Party Committee and deputy mayor of Yangjun Town, and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Zhaowangzhuang Town.

In 2012, Bijie City, Guizhou Province implemented the "talent-driven city" strategy and introduced talents from all over the country. Yu Jike analyzed that this might be a "fast track" for career advancement, so he decided to sign up and was appointed as the Party Secretary of Pingshan Township, Hezhang County, Bijie City. Yu Jike should have taken this as an opportunity to contribute to the local economic and social development with his personal talents and realize his life ambitions, but his cognition was biased. He regarded the inter-provincial transfer as a springboard and a way to gain "political capital", and he was obsessed with the idea that he could return to Shandong after the five-year term was over and get promoted to the next level. Under the control of wrong ideas, Yu Jike's view of political achievements became alienated, and he was eager for quick success and instant benefits in his work, creating momentum and showmanship, and was blinded by greed, breaking discipline and laws, until he fell into the abyss of corruption.

Psychological imbalance, corruption and pursuit of fame and fortune

At the beginning of his work, Yu Jike worked diligently. When he was working in Shandong, in order to protect the 2,000-acre cherry planting base of the masses, he rode a motorcycle for more than 20 miles in the middle of the night and dug drainage ditches with the masses for five hours in the heavy rain. But as his position was promoted, he began to feel restless and gradually relaxed his political studies and party spirit training. His ideals and beliefs slipped and then became corrupt. "My so-called study for many years was actually just a formality... I just went through the motions, put on a formality, and read a little. I didn't learn sincerely, let alone let it sink into my mind and heart," Yu Jike confessed.

Yu Jike confessed that he had always been strong in everything since he was a child, and after he started working, he was determined to be the "top leader". After being promoted to a member of the town party committee, he became accustomed to eating and drinking with public funds, entertaining and giving gifts, and using public vehicles for personal purposes. He was gradually infected by all kinds of unhealthy tendencies and lost his composure. He thought that "the higher the official position, the better the car, and the more people will give gifts to him". He was addicted to the spiritual and material enjoyment brought by power at work, which laid the seeds for his later corruption.

After the exchange to Guizhou, Yu Jike was introduced as an urgent and scarce talent by Bijie City to strengthen the city with talents. The organization had high hopes for him and promoted him to serve as Party Secretary, Deputy County Magistrate, and Member of the County Party Committee of Pingshan Township, Hezhang County. During the critical period of poverty alleviation, the organization once again entrusted him with an important task and adjusted Yu Jike, who was already a member of the County Party Committee, to concurrently serve as Party Secretary of Hezhen Township.

Hezhen Township was once one of the 20 extremely poor townships in Guizhou Province. As the township's "top leader", Yu Jike should have shouldered the mission and taken the initiative. However, subconsciously, he took the organization's care and cultivation for granted, attributed the exchange and promotion to "strong personal ability, what I deserve", and felt resentful that he could not be transferred back to Shandong as expected.

Unable to return home, Yu Jike began to indulge himself. When friends and relatives from Shandong came to Guizhou to visit, in order to show his "strength", Yu Jike arranged for them to drink high-end wine. If they were important guests, they would take a few bottles of good wine or precious local specialties with them. As the expenses became larger and larger, in order to fill the "hole", he had to pass the expenses on to the management and service objects, and let the bosses who had been "taken care of" by him pay the bill.

Abnormal eating and drinking interactions often lead to corruption. Yu Jike saw his bosses spending money lavishly while eating, drinking and having fun, driving luxury cars, living in luxury houses and spending lavishly. He gradually lost his balance and broke the bottom line of discipline and law step by step. Finally, his three views collapsed, his integrity was lost, and he became corrupt and degenerate.

Yu Jike claimed that he felt wronged because he could not afford a down payment of hundreds of thousands of yuan. The picture shows the RMB data picture

"I have worked hard for nearly 20 years and have been able to help the boss of the company get a project worth tens of millions of yuan, but I can't even come up with a down payment of hundreds of thousands of yuan for a house. I feel wronged." Driven by this wrong idea, Yu Jike began to accept large bribes. In 2016, Yu Jike discussed buying a car with his wife, but his savings could not buy a "favorite" car. In addition, his wife was pregnant with her second child at the time, and his parents had to come to the city to take care of them, so the two-bedroom apartment could not accommodate the whole family. Under the influence of the absurd idea of ​​"I might as well find a way to make some money and quit my job", Yu Jike asked Yu Moumou, a businessman from Laiyang, Shandong, who he had known for many years, for RMB 1.67 million on the grounds that he was in urgent need of money, to be used as a down payment for the house and the purchase of the car.

When he first started working, he had a monthly salary of 725 yuan for his family of three, but later on, a bottle of wine would cost several thousand yuan and a meal would cost tens of thousands of yuan. In the beginning, he didn't feel it was hard to ride a motorcycle or take the bus to work, and his family lived happily in a small house. Later, in pursuit of luxury cars and mansions, he abused his power to make money and enrich himself... Yu Jike's original intention was gradually eroded, and he went further and further down the road of breaking the law and committing crimes.

Misaligned view of political achievements, seeking promotion and acting recklessly

Judging from the cases investigated in recent years, some leading cadres do not focus on doing things but like to show off. They do not want to "benefit the people" but only want to "create momentum for a while", and are keen on creating projects within the "visible range" of the leaders. The fundamental reason behind all these wrong behaviors is the misalignment of the concept of political achievements and the lack of sense of responsibility. They think less about "doing things for the people" and more about "serving for themselves". Yu Jike is a typical example.

"I consider everything from my own perspective, all for the purpose of demonstrating my political achievements and getting promoted." Yu Jike said that after working in Guizhou, he did not think about his own responsibilities from the perspective of the local party committee and government. Instead, from beginning to end, he used whether he could get promotion in his career as the criterion for measuring all his work.

To establish a correct view of political achievements, one must first have a correct view of power, interests and career. However, Yu Jike, who did not know "who the view of political achievements was for", tied his work to personal fame and gain, developed a speculative mentality, and no longer worked hard, but instead "created momentum and made a show" to show his political achievements, engaging in image projects and formalism.

A document records the poverty of Haijiao Village in Hezhen Township in 1985: a family of four had only three bowls, and had no food to eat. Haijiao Village has received much attention from all levels and departments, and superiors often come to the village for research and guidance. Yu Jike started to make "articles" along the road section that must be passed from the county seat to Haijiao Village. "The first time I came to this place, my first feeling was that I must create highlights along this road so that the leaders can see it." Yu Jike recalled.

In March 2017, Hezhen Township implemented the project of returning farmland to forest and afforestation of barren hills. This was supposed to benefit the masses and benefit future generations. However, Yu Jike was not thinking about how to maximize the project results and the interests of the masses, but how to make it a "highlight project" so that the leaders could see the green forest. He ignored the opposition of other members of the township party committee and directly arranged for the township forestry station to implement the project. On the hillsides along the line where yew trees had been planted, he again arranged to plant Hokkaido boxwood and other tall trees, resulting in repeated afforestation of thousands of acres. Yu Jike believes that the survival rate of yew trees is very high, but at present they are only 20 to 30 centimeters high, and it will take a long time to see the effect; Hokkaido boxwood grows fast and is a tall tree. In two or three years, the local forest coverage rate will be greatly improved, allowing leaders to quickly see the changes in the local ecology. However, due to the violation of natural laws, the survival rate of the repeatedly planted trees was low and the growth was very poor, resulting in a waste of national resources and funds.

The serious losses caused by repeated afforestation in violation of natural laws did not wake Yu Jike up. He was extremely numb and always wanted to perform for his superiors. He insisted on having his own way and had the final say. "I felt that I was the 'top leader' and had the final say. I would not listen to other people's objections." "After a long time, the cadres and employees around me knew my temper and that I was overbearing," Yu Jike said.

Yu Jike ignored local realities, was eager for quick success and instant benefits, acted recklessly in implementing projects, blindly launched projects, and blindly pursued "short, flat and fast" results, causing serious losses to state funds.

"I didn't think about whether I could find a suitable leader. I just wanted to attract the attention of the leaders." In order to achieve "political achievements", Yu Jike made decisions based on his own ideas without any in-depth research or understanding. He arranged for the preparation of an implementation plan for a mushroom planting project for a development fund in Hezhen Township, and proposed to use leaders in getting rich to implement the mushroom planting project. Ultimately, because he did not find a suitable "leader" and the project failed to pass the approval of relevant departments, it stalled and could not be implemented.

In order to implement the project as soon as possible and make it a "highlight" that the superior leaders could see when they came to investigate, Yu Jike, despite the opposition of other members, decided to adopt the "cooperative + enterprise" approach to grow mushrooms at the township party committee meeting. He signed an agreement with a company to implement the project without submitting the revised plan for approval. The project eventually failed, resulting in significant financial losses. These so-called "big moves" eventually turned into "big failures."

"I wanted to see results as soon as possible. I wanted to be the biggest in the county, the city, or even the province, so that I could get promoted." It was not until he was thrown into prison that Yu Jike, filled with remorse, realized that "my view of political achievements was wrong..."

As a cadre transferred across provinces, local cadres and masses had high hopes for Ji Ke, expecting him to lead them to prosperity and boost local economic development. However, Yu Ji Ke, blinded by his lust for power, placed his personal interests above those of the Party and the people, repeatedly betrayed the trust of the organization and the expectations of the people, and ultimately ruined his own future.

Failing to distinguish between relatives and friends, amassing wealth and falling into the abyss

Being close but not too close, and being clean but effective are the basic requirements for political and business interactions. If Party members and cadres cannot clarify the relationship between politics and business, cannot distinguish between close and clean, and are greedy and lucky, they will eventually be punished by discipline and law. After Yu Jike entered the leadership position, his greed expanded rapidly. He wanted to be an official and make money, and was eager to cash in the power in his hands to "leave a way out for himself."

"I never wanted to make things clear with them. I just wanted to keep things unclear. It would be good for me if I could not make things clear, and it would be easier for me to fish in muddy waters." "They treat you well because you have power, not because they really treat you well." Yu Jike said in his confession that he knew very well in his heart that the essence of his dealings with business owners was the exchange of power for money.

Soon after he started working in Guizhou, Yu began to give Yu Jike "living expenses", ranging from 2,000 to 5,000 yuan each time. Soon Yu became Yu Jike's "follower" and "money bag". Yu Jike thought that Yu was a "fellow from Shandong" and reliable, and in Bijie he was a "foreign boss" who could be manipulated, so he used his position to help Yu in engineering contracting, project promotion, and fund allocation, and engaged in collusion for interests.

In order to "safely" cash in the power in his hands through Yu, Yu Jike found ways to give all the projects under his charge to Yu. Under Yu Jike's care, Yu successfully obtained multiple engineering projects. Yu Jike accepted bribes from Yu many times and demanded hundreds of millions of yuan from him. From 2018 to 2019 alone, Yu Jike demanded more than 5 million yuan in bribes from Yu four times on the grounds of helping others solve the company's capital turnover difficulties.

"We can use each other, the other party will definitely not betray us, the organization won't find out, nothing will happen." Until the last moment, Yu Jike still held on to his luck. However, the law is long and there is no loophole. If you are confused and lucky in matters of discipline and law, you will definitely fall.

In addition to the fixed "money bag" Yu Moumou, Yu Jike also took the initiative to build relationships with business owners at work, accepting bribes from all comers, and madly making money. "If I don't get any benefits today, he will thank me in the future, so I have to let the management service object know that this project is given by me." Yu Jike explained that his purpose of treating business owners "closely" was not to help solve the difficulties of business development, but to hope that business owners would repay him in the future.

Yu Jike confesses on camera (video screenshot)

After investigation, it was found that between 2016 and 2020, Yu Jike used his position to help Yu Moumou, Zhu Moumou and seven others to seek benefits in the promotion of engineering projects and the allocation of project funds, and accepted property from the seven people worth more than RMB 9 million.

"As an entrepreneur, if a project fails, you can start over again, but as a party member and cadre... innocence is the greatest asset." From a young talent with high hopes from the organization to a prisoner, Yu Jike shed tears of regret many times, but it was too late.

Source: China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News