
An 8-year-old boy was slapped repeatedly by his teacher on the podium. After his parents signed a mediation agreement, he still needs psychological treatment


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"Although it has been almost two years since he was beaten, my son has developed a serious mental illness. The cost of his treatment has reached nearly 80,000 yuan, and he needs further treatment. But the teacher and I signed a mediation agreement. Can I still claim compensation?" Ms. Chen from Hunan recently asked for help from the Huashang Daily Dafeng News.

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Corporal punishment: 8-year-old boy slapped repeatedly by teacher on the podium in front of classmates

Ms. Chen lives in Chenzhou City, Hunan Province. Her son Tongtong (pseudonym) is 10 years old. She said: "At noon on October 21, 2022, my son came home from school and I found that he was a little abnormal. His face was a little swollen, so I asked him why. My son said that he was playing with his classmates that day, and his classmates locked the classroom door. He couldn't get in, so he kicked the door with his foot and was seen by the teacher."

Ms. Chen said that the teacher later slapped her son several times on the podium in front of his classmates, and then made him stand at the back of the classroom for a whole class. Her son experienced dizziness, nausea, tinnitus and other symptoms that day, so she took him to the First People's Hospital of Chenzhou City, where he was diagnosed with head trauma and concussion.

Mediation: Both parties signed a mediation agreement, and the teacher admitted that his teaching method was excessive.