
Nearly 1.4 trillion yuan of financing was approved to precisely support real estate "white list" projects


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According to a report by Cailianshe on August 21, commercial banks have approved 5,392 real estate "white list" projects, with a financing amount of nearly 1.4 trillion yuan. Liao Yuanyuan, Director of the Statistics and Risk Monitoring Department of the Financial Supervision Administration, introduced that the urban real estate financing coordination mechanism is based on cities and projects, and "white list" projects that meet the regulations receive timely financial support, which has played a positive role in promoting the completion and delivery of projects, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of buyers, and stabilizing the real estate market, and has achieved phased results in accurately supporting real estate project financing.

Continue to urge banking financial institutions to strengthen the development of loan renewal products and increase loan renewal support for eligible small and micro enterprises

The State Financial Regulatory Bureau today publicly responded to the 1352nd Proposal of the Second Session of the 14th National People's Congress. The State Financial Regulatory Bureau pointed out that it attaches great importance to the issue of capital continuation for small, medium and micro enterprises. While requiring banks to operate prudently and in a standardized manner and manage risks, it has introduced a normalized incentive policy for small and micro enterprise loan renewal in order to shorten loan turnover time and reduce the cost of "bridge" funds. As of the end of May 2024, the balance of small and micro enterprises' loan renewal without repayment of principal was 5.6 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 25.6%. In the next step, the Financial Regulatory Bureau will continue to urge banking financial institutions to implement the regulatory policy on loan renewal for small and micro enterprises, strengthen the development of loan renewal products, and increase loan renewal support for qualified small and micro enterprises.

At the end of July, the non-performing loan ratio of the banking industry was 1.61%, 0.08 percentage points lower than the same period last year.

Xiao Yuanqi, deputy director of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, said at a press conference on August 21 that at the end of July, the total assets of banking financial institutions were 423.8 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7%; the total assets of the insurance industry were 33.9 trillion yuan, an increase of 7.7% from the beginning of the year. Asset quality remained stable, and the non-performing loan ratio was stable and declining. Since the beginning of this year, credit risks have been generally controllable. At the end of July, the non-performing loan ratio of the banking industry was 1.61%, 0.08 percentage points lower than the same period last year. The disposal of non-performing assets has also been further strengthened. In the first half of this year, banks disposed of 1.4 trillion yuan of non-performing assets. Risk compensation has been stable and increased. At the end of July, the bank loan provision coverage ratio was 216.7%, which means that the loan loss provision was more than twice the non-performing loan. At the same time, at the end of the first half of the year, the bank's capital adequacy ratio was 15.53%, and the insurance company's comprehensive solvency and core solvency adequacy ratios were 195.5% and 132.4% respectively. The "ammunition" of banks and insurance institutions to resist risks is still very sufficient. Liquidity is stable and improving. The two main liquidity indicators of banks, liquidity coverage ratio and net stable funding ratio, are in line with regulatory requirements. Therefore, my country's banking industry is currently stable and improving, risks are controllable, and the main operating indicators and regulatory indicators are in a healthy and reasonable range.

Guide and cultivate more long-term capital and patient capital to invest early, in small and long-term investments, and in hard technology

Xiao Yuanqi, deputy director of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, said at a press conference on August 21 that the next step in terms of science and technology finance is to urge financial institutions to earnestly implement the requirements of financial services for technology-based enterprises throughout their life cycle, and to guide and cultivate more long-term capital and patient capital to invest early, small, long-term, and hard technology. In terms of green finance, the relevant statistical system should be further improved, and the supply of green financial products should be enriched, especially the accuracy and effectiveness of green financial services should be improved. In terms of inclusive finance, the main thing is to further promote the implementation of the above two notices and the "Implementation Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the High-quality Development of Inclusive Finance" to achieve results. In terms of pension finance, the development of commercial pension finance should be steadily promoted, and insurance institutions should be required to design pension insurance products in a simpler, more convenient, and more robust manner to adapt to the characteristics and needs of pension insurance. In terms of digital finance, top-level design and overall planning should be further strengthened, the innovative application of digital technology in the financial field should be promoted, digital empowerment should be increased, and the management level of financial institutions should be improved.

At the end of July, manufacturing loans increased by 11.4% year-on-year, and high-tech industry loans increased by 13.9% year-on-year

Xiao Yuanqi, deputy director of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, said at a press conference on August 21 that the ability of financial institutions to serve the real economy has been further improved, especially the continuous increase in financial supply for major strategies, key areas and weak links, which has become more accurate and efficient. The total amount of funds has increased steadily. At the end of July, the balance of RMB loans was 25.1 trillion yuan, an increase of 13.5 trillion yuan from the beginning of the year; the balance of bond investment of banking and insurance institutions was 10.3 trillion yuan, an increase of 4.9 trillion yuan from the beginning of the year; the balance of insurance funds used was 3.1 trillion yuan, an increase of 7.4% from the beginning of the year. This is from the perspective of the supply of financial funds. In addition, the capital structure has also been further optimized. Mainly, the support for advanced manufacturing and technological innovation has been increased. By the end of July, manufacturing loans increased by 11.4% year-on-year, and high-tech industry loans increased by 13.9% year-on-year. In addition, the level of financial services for small and micro enterprises and "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" has been continuously improved. At the end of July, inclusive small and micro enterprise loans increased by 17.1% year-on-year. Support for the health industry and the silver economy is further increasing. At the end of July, loans to the elderly care industry increased by 16.1% from the beginning of the year. In terms of the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, loans to core industries in the digital economy grew by 12.4% year-on-year. By the end of July, the insurance industry provided 28.5 trillion yuan in various financing supports through bonds and stocks.

In the first half of the year, the net profits of several private banks decreased year-on-year, mainly due to the significant increase in provisioning

Liao Yuanyuan, director of the Statistics and Risk Monitoring Department of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, said at a press conference on the 21st that the growth rate of private banks' net profit has shown negative growth. We have also noticed this. In the first half of this year, private banks were generally profitable, but the net profit of several private banks declined year-on-year. The main reason is that these banks have significantly increased their provisioning efforts compared with the same period last year, which directly affected the current profits and led to a phased decline in the net profit of private banks.

We will guide banking institutions to continue to strengthen refined management, cultivate new profit growth points and continuously improve profitability

Liao Yuanyuan, director of the Statistics and Risk Monitoring Department of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on the 21st that maintaining a reasonable profit level is of great significance for banks to replenish capital in a timely manner, maintain stable operations, and enhance their ability to serve the real economy. Faced with the pressure of slowing profit growth, commercial banks have also used various methods to tap internal potential, reduce costs and increase efficiency in recent years. At present, the profitability of China's commercial banks is still in a reasonable range. For example, in the first half of this year, the bank's net profit increased by 0.4% year-on-year, still achieving positive growth in net profit. In other words, it is not only profitable, but also has positive growth in net profit. During the same period, the bank's asset profit rate and capital profit rate also remained basically stable. In the next step, the Financial Supervision Bureau will guide banking institutions to continue to strengthen refined management, optimize the asset-liability structure, cultivate new profit growth points, and continuously improve profitability.

Just now, a reporter mentioned that the growth rate of private banks' net profit has shown negative growth. We have also noticed this. In the first half of this year, private banks were generally profitable, but the net profit of several private banks declined year-on-year. This is mainly because these banks have significantly increased their provisioning efforts compared with the same period last year, which directly affected the current profits and led to a phased decline in the net profit of private banks.

An evaluation system for insurance protection capacity will be established to improve the disaster accident classification response mechanism

Yin Jiangao, director of the Property Insurance Supervision Department of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, said at a press conference on August 21 that in the next step, we will promote the insurance industry to better play its role. In terms of improving the system, we will build an evaluation system such as insurance protection capacity and improve the disaster accident classification response mechanism. In terms of exploring pilot projects, we will expand the scope of residential catastrophe insurance at the beginning of this year, summarize the practices of Hebei, Hubei, Beijing Mentougou and other places, and promote pilot projects in various places. In deepening reform, we will expand the supply of agricultural insurance; at the same time, we will improve the co-insurance mechanism and enhance risk protection for major projects. In terms of strengthening supervision, we will optimize the standards for underwriting and claims, improve the quality and efficiency of insurance services, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

Insurance compensation in my country accounts for about 10% of economic losses from disasters, and there is still much room for improvement.

Yin Jiangao, director of the Property Insurance Supervision Department of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on the 21st that the role of the insurance industry in responding to disasters is increasingly being played, but compared with the global average, there is still much room for improvement. For example, in the first half of this year, the global economic losses from natural disasters were about 120 billion US dollars, of which insurance compensation was about 60 billion US dollars, accounting for about 50%. In our country, insurance compensation accounts for about 10% of the economic losses from disasters, and there is still much room for improvement.