
WPS has crashed 3 times in the past two months. The official account apologized: It is being repaired urgently and will be notified as soon as it is restored.


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On the morning of August 21, the topic #WPS crashed# became a hot search, sparking heated discussions among netizens.

Many netizens posted: "Urgent! How can we live without you?"

It is reported that WPS has experienced service anomalies recently. On the afternoon of June 28, many netizens reported that "WPS crashed" and Kingsoft Document could not be opened.

Kingsoft Office responded to the media at the time that the cause of the crash might be related to cloud service abnormalities.

In addition, on the morning of July 8 this year, "WPS crashed" also became a hot search on Weibo, sparking heated discussions among netizens. Subsequently, WPS customer service apologized, saying, "We are sorry for the trouble caused by the abnormal service. We are quickly investigating and repairing the problems reported by everyone, and the service has returned to normal.

[Source: Jiupai News, WPS official account, Chengshi Interactive, Cailianshe, Bailu Video]

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