
Xinmin Weekly|“North Stream” Spy


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Lavrov said it was obvious that the order to carry out a terrorist attack of such a scale came from the highest level in the West, that is, Washington.

Text | Zhu Guoshun

The beginning of the story has a Bourne atmosphere.
On August 14, the German media, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly announced that the German prosecutors asked Poland to arrest a Ukrainian who was suspected of blowing up the "Nord Stream" natural gas pipeline. At that time, many people's brain circuits were said to be "buzzed": the Nord Stream explosion case was solved? Why arrest a Ukrainian? Or was it the Poles who did it?
The Germans said nothing.
The Americans were the ones who cooperated. Later, a major American newspaper published a long article titled "The Truth about the Sabotage of the Nord Stream Pipeline". The article begins with "a drunken night on a rented yacht", with twists and turns, and an atmosphere of "a dark and windy night, a day for murder and arson"...
It was indeed a dark and windy night. September 26, 2022, was the first day of the lunar calendar, and the dark night shrouded the Baltic Sea. Above the "Nord Stream" No. 2 natural gas pipeline, in the pitch-dark night, a 15-meter-long yacht floated over with six saboteurs on board. Under the cover of night, they accurately found the pipeline, dived into the sea, and dived to the bottom of the sea more than 80 meters deep. The sea water here is as high as eight atmospheres of pressure, enough to crush a person, but they are fine, and they have skillfully placed four explosives on three pipelines. Then they quickly floated to the surface, drove away on the yacht, and successfully detonated and cut off the "Nord Stream"...
Is it 007 or Jason Bourne? You are wrong to think so. The truth says that they are just a few "drunk" Ukrainians.
The beginning of "Dark Moon and High Wind" was in May 2022. At that time, several Ukrainian officers and businessmen were drinking and bragging on a "drunk night", and suddenly someone asked why they didn't blow up the "North Stream"? So the businessmen had money and the officers had skills, so they picked up the pieces and started the "earth-shaking" thing.
They rented a yacht from a Polish travel agency (the agency was said to be a Ukrainian intelligence secret point) and headed for the Baltic Sea, where the winds and waves were high and rough. The 15-meter yacht was just a small boat, and the Baltic Sea was too rough to operate, so they had to go to the nearby Swedish port to take shelter. Then the weather became even worse after they set out again, so they had to return to the Polish port. After that, they set out again, first to the German port of Rostock to take shelter, and then to the sea. After tossing around on the sea for more than 1,500 kilometers, they finally "luckily" found the "North Stream" in the pitch-black night of the 26th. They braved the water pressure that could crush people and dived more than 80 meters under the sea to bravely blow up the pipeline.
A series of flaws almost came to my face. How could a few drunkards suddenly think of and accomplish such a big thing?
The author is probably a veteran and has predicted your prediction. The Truth says that the Americans actually wanted to bomb the Nord Stream as early as 2014 and had carefully designed a plan, and the "drunkards" copied the Americans' homework and completed the KPI (key performance indicator).
Are the Americans exposing their own dirty laundry? Of course not. This is called "catching and releasing Cao Cao."
The truth said that the United States had a plan, which gave credibility to the drunkard's success. Then the "drunk" idea was reported to the top leaders of Ukraine and approved, but at this time, there was a sudden turn of events, and the MIVD, a military intelligence agency of a certain European country, "coincidentally" knew the secret, and then told the United States.FocusThe US looks like a "good guy". On the one hand, it tells Ukraine to stop, and on the other hand, it tells Germany to be on guard. Ukraine buys face from the US and asks the workers to stop. This is "killing three birds with one stone": the incident is credible, the US is reliable, and Ukraine listens to advice.
After reading this, do you feel that it is too bizarre and hard to believe?
You know, after the bombing of Nord Stream 2, American and Western intelligence agencies tried their best to investigate, but they dispersed because it was "too scary". Today's Hollywood-style Nord Stream spy film seems to be not even as good as "Casablanca" back then. How can people believe "The Truth"?
The famous American journalist Hersh previously analyzed that it was the US Navy, the CIA and the Norwegians who bombed the Nord Stream. Only they could have done such a professional operation. The Truth whitewashed them all. The "experts" are in the US!
After the release of "The Truth", senior Ukrainian officials believed that Ukraine did not have the technology and funds to destroy the Nord Stream pipeline, but Germany should know that it was Russia that bombed the Nord Stream.
Regarding the "Nord Stream" spy, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on August 19 that all operations were aimed at diverting attention. Lavrov said that it was very obvious that the order to carry out such a large-scale terrorist attack came from the highest level in the West, that is, Washington.