
I really want to have a yard like this, listening to the wind, watching the moon and drinking tea


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I have loved yards since I was a child. I like the feeling of being surrounded by nature, full of vitality and tranquility. Imagine a yard that is so beautifully designed, with every detail revealing the comfort and elegance of life. Here, you can hear the whisper of the wind, see the brightness of the moon, taste the mellowness of tea, and enjoy a rare tranquility and freedom.

Picture by Yinju.Zheli Teahouse

This yard does not require a large space, but every inch of land is carefully utilized.

Flowers and plants are planted in a patchwork pattern, some high, some low, some red, some green, together weaving a vivid picture. When the sun shines, dewdrops sparkle on the petals, like the most exquisite jewels of nature.

Image by Chizhiwu

In the center of the courtyard, there is a comfortable coffee table and several chairs. The lines of these furniture are simple and elegant, blending in with the surrounding natural environment.

When the breeze blows on your face and the moonlight is like water, you can sit here with your family and friends, drink tea and chat, and enjoy the rare tranquility and warmth.

Image by Ziyu's Garden Room

On one side of the yard, you can build a sunroom with a small bookshelf filled with various books.

You can pick up a book at random, find a comfortable corner to sit down, make a pot of good tea, let the fragrance of books and tea intertwine, and take you into a world full of wisdom and imagination.

Image by Annie Sea Cucumber Flavor

Living in such a courtyard, every day is filled with beauty and comfort.

In the morning, when the first ray of sunlight penetrates the mist and sprinkles in the yard, you can feel the warmth and vitality of nature. You can stroll among the flowers and plants, breathe the fresh air, and relax and nourish your body and mind.

Image by Sangu Keitei

In the afternoon, you can sit in a rocking chair in the yard, holding a favorite book and enjoying a quiet reading time.

The sun shines through the gaps in the leaves and falls on you, bringing a touch of coolness and comfort. You can immerse yourself in the world of books and forget the passage of time.

Picture by Hailululu

In the evening, when the afterglow of the setting sun fills the yard, you can invite friends to drink tea and chat together.

In the fragrance of tea and laughter, you share the bits and pieces of life and feelings, allowing each other's hearts to be communicated and comforted. Such time is simple and beautiful, making people yearn for it.

Picture by Miss Mika's Slow Life

As night falls, a bright moon slowly rises, casting a soft and clear light. The flowers and plants in the yard are even more quiet under the moonlight, as if every leaf is immersed in a silver dream.

You sit in the yard, looking up at the starry sky, and the moon becomes your most loyal companion. Its light not only illuminates the surroundings, but also illuminates your heart.

On a night like this, you let go of all your worries and sorrows, let your mind get complete relaxation and peace, and enjoy the unique tranquility and beauty.

Image by Chizhiwu

I really want to have a yard like this, where I can listen to the whisper of the wind, appreciate the brightness of the bright moon, and taste the fragrance of tea. I can slow down the pace of life and enjoy the tranquility and beauty to my heart's content.

Such a life is undoubtedly a luxury, but it is so real and so within reach. As long as we are willing to look for it and create it with our heart, we can make it a reality.

Image by Wild Garden