
One year after the house was delivered, there is still no municipal road open to traffic. The owner of a residential community in Xi'an had no choice but to pick up a shovel to build the road himself


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It has been more than a year since the community was delivered, but the owners of Xi'an Greenland Xinlicheng Lanting Mansion (hereinafter referred to as "Lanting Mansion") have still not seen the opening of a municipal highway. The only way to enter and exit the community is through a temporary road built for the construction of the community.

The owners feel that the community is like an "isolated island".

In desperation, the owners gathered together spontaneously, carrying hoes and shovels, and used their rest time on two weekends to open up Rainbow Road on the north side of the community. Although it was just a bumpy dirt road, the owners found it much more convenient.

Previously, the only accessible construction road was often congested by muck trucks (Photo provided by the interviewee)

There is only one temporary road in and out of the community

The owners of the community told the Poster News reporter that the Lanting Mansion community is located in Fengdong New City, Xixian New District, and will be delivered in batches starting at the end of March 2023. More than a year after the delivery, there is still no municipal road leading to the community.

Ms. Qian said that there are three municipally planned roads on the east, west and north sides of the community, namely Jing 29th Road on the east, Fengdong 12th Road on the west and Caihong Road on the north. Jing 29th Road and Fengdong 12th Road run north-south, both of which extend to Yudou Road in the north and Keji 2nd Road in the south. Caihong Road runs east-west, extending to the auxiliary road of Xi'an Ring Expressway in the west and Tiangu 3rd Road in the east. "Currently, none of these three roads are open to traffic."

Ms. Qian said that currently there is only one temporary road built for community construction, which is accessible to traffic, and the owners of the community call it the "construction road." But even this only road has many inconveniences.

Ms. Qian introduced that at present, there are some resettlement housing projects under construction around the construction road. The dump trucks entering and leaving often cause congestion, which not only brings many inconveniences to travel, but also poses a safety hazard to residents' travel.

A reporter from Poster News went to Lanting Mansion for an on-site visit on the morning of August 19. Nearly 10 dump trucks were parked on the roadside of Keji West Road near the intersection of Jianshe Road, waiting to enter the site for work, but there were no dump trucks blocking traffic on the construction road.

The owner, Ms. Qian, told the reporter that after the owner reported the problem to the relevant departments, the local government regulated the operation of muck trucks. "Now they are not allowed to carry muck during rush hour in the morning and evening, and the order has been regulated." In addition, the local government has leveled the construction road. "Before, the road was bumpy, causing many vehicles to have tires blown out, and some residents riding electric bikes were tripped and injured."

Poster News reporter noted that local media in Xi'an had reported on this. The report said that after receiving reports of potholes on the road from residents of Lanting Mansion, the Fengdong New Town Management Committee of Xixian New Area (hereinafter referred to as the "Fengdong New Town Management Committee") conducted an on-site investigation and completed the repair and leveling of the damaged road surface on the night of August 13, and laid several reinforcement steel plates.

There are only 300 meters left to repair the road (Photo provided by the interviewee)

Issues involving land ownership

The owners of Lanting Mansion have repeatedly asked the relevant departments why there is still no municipally planned road built around the community.

Based on the responses from the Xixian New Area Management Committee and the Fengdong New City Management Committee through different channels, the main reason why the municipal planned roads around the Lanting Mansion community have not been built is the issue of land ownership.

Poster News reporters noticed that Lanting Mansion is located at the junction of Xi'an's Yanta District, Xi'an High-tech Zone, and Xixian New District Fengdong New City. Due to development zone construction and other reasons, the land rights of some municipal planned roads have not yet been transferred to the construction party, resulting in slow progress in road opening.

According to the replies from the above two management committees, the remaining approximately 130 meters of the northern section of Jing 29th Road on the east side of the community is located in Yanta District, and the road land has not been transferred yet. The remaining approximately 176 meters of the southern section has not been transferred for construction due to the demolition of Bayi Village. Fengdong 12th Road on the west side of the community: the remaining approximately 30 meters of the northern section of the road has not been transferred due to the demolition of Xi'an Huipin Meat Co., Ltd., and the land has not been transferred yet. The southern section of approximately 130 meters has not been transferred for construction because Bayi Village has not been demolished.

Rainbow Road involves Fengdong New Town and Xi'an High-tech Zone. The road has been completed in accordance with the previously released Fengdong boundary, and all construction content in the contract has been completed in June 2020. The remaining 300 meters connecting Tiangu 3rd Road was originally in the high-tech area. It was determined in May 2023 that after the high-tech has dealt with the remaining issues of the project land, it will go through the land handover procedures with Fengdong, and Fengdong will complete the project construction. At present, Fengdong has completed the design and construction bidding work and is ready for construction. However, since the high-tech has not completed the land handover work, it is impossible to organize the participating units to enter the site for construction.

A reply from the Xixian New Area Urban Operation Integrated Management Center in March this year stated that at present, the Fengdong Urban Renewal Affairs Center is coordinating with the Xi'an High-tech Zone on land handover matters. After the construction land is transferred, various units will be organized to enter the site for construction. Citizens are requested to wait patiently.

The road was passable when the reporter visited.

Owners spontaneously "repair roads"

After patiently waiting for nearly 5 months, the owners of Lanting Mansion finally could not sit still anymore and decided to "build the road" themselves.

On August 11, the owners started repairing the road with hoes and shovels. On the same day, the owners leveled the east end of the road (on the Xi'an High-tech Zone side).

Ms. Qian told the reporter that the idea of ​​doing it themselves came from the owner finding that the land in the unpaved section was flat, but not hardened. "There was a big rock in the middle of the road and a pile of dirt on the side of the road. We thought that after dealing with these 'debris', we should be able to pass. Although it is just a dirt road, it is much more convenient for us."

Ms. Qian said that many owners of the community work in Xi'an High-tech Zone, and the completion of the dirt road will save a lot of commuting time. In addition, the "road repair" action is also to attract the attention of relevant departments, hoping to truly solve the traffic problem as soon as possible.

Ms. Qian said that on the second day after the owners spontaneously "repaired the road" (August 12), the relevant leaders of Fengdong New City led a team to the site for inspection. The relevant departments said that they would use about a week to open up the dead-end road first to ensure that motorcycles and pedestrians can pass.

But a week later, the road was not opened as scheduled. On August 18, the owners repaired and leveled the west side of the road (Fengdong New City).

According to an on-site visit by a Poster News reporter on August 19, the road opened by the owner now has basic traffic functions. During the interview period, pedestrians, electric motorcycles, and cars (sedans and SUVs) were able to pass successfully.

As for when several municipally planned roads can be repaired, the staff of Fengdong New Town Development and Construction Department said that relevant work is being promoted. As for the Rainbow Road issue that the owners of Lanting Mansion are most concerned about, the above staff said: "The responsibility for road construction in the unfinished section lies with Fengdong New Town, but the land belongs to Xi'an High-tech Zone. The land acquisition and demolition work needs to be completed by them and the land handed over before we can start construction."

As for when the Xi'an High-tech Zone will complete the land transfer, a staff member of the Natural Resources and Planning Bureau of Xi'an High-tech Zone replied that many owners of Lanting Mansion have consulted them in recent days, "According to a meeting held by the city, we have made it clear that the boundary has been crossed, and that place does not belong to the High-tech Zone." The above-mentioned staff member stated that the land originally belonged to Fengdong and there was no transfer.

Source: Poster News