
Fighting high temperatures to ensure power supply | "Artificial drone robot remote intelligent patrol panoramic camera", this substation "five in one" ensures power grid safety


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"The high temperature weather is still continuing. We will go to the site to coordinate patrols and temperature measurements with robots, and you will copy the data uploaded by the intelligent patrol system in the background." At 8 a.m. on August 20, Xie Fenglin, the operation and maintenance staff who took over the duty at the 500 kV Chenjiaqiao substation in Chongqing, was organizing special patrols to meet the peak summer demand.
On that day, the special inspection covered heavy-duty and high-load equipment in multiple areas of the station. Through a human-machine collaborative model based on "intelligent" equipment, a dynamic and static interactive connection between the background and the site was formed, ensuring the quality, quantity and efficiency of the orderly implementation of each specific inspection project.
"At present, the 500 kV ultra-high voltage power grid is in a special protection period for peak summer work. Three inspections and two temperature measurements are required every day. We use manual labor, robots, remote intelligent inspection systems, panoramic cameras and drones to carry out patrols in a 'five-in-one' manner." Xie Fenglin introduced.
At 9 a.m., at the outdoor site, Xie Fenglin, under the scorching sun, and the inspection robot sometimes passed by each other between the equipment and sometimes stayed in the same inspection area. "We worked with the robot to perform infrared temperature measurement on the primary equipment and secondary boxes on site, and finally complemented the measured data to form a complete temperature measurement report," said Xie Fenglin.
In front of the computer in the main control room, Liu Dixiao, an operation and maintenance worker, checked the equipment one by one from the high-definition video images of the intelligent patrol system and the panoramic camera, while simultaneously analyzing and judging whether there were any abnormalities. "The gas pressure of the 5012 switch is 0.72 MPa, which is within the normal range!" Liu Dixiao wrote down the number on the patrol card at the same time.
"There are a total of 20 barometers and 54 oil level observation points distributed within the special patrol support range. The intelligent patrol system can read the values ​​indicated by each meter in the entire station very quickly and accurately. For important equipment parts that are too high to be captured by the naked eye, panoramic cameras can be used to view them from a bird's-eye view." Liu Dixiao said.
"Woo..." The incessant sound of high-speed rotation of fan blades rang out in front of the switchyard gate, and a dazzling white drone called "Air Dancer" slowly and straightly rose into the sky... Liu Dixiao, who had completed data transcription, did not immediately rest, but concentrated on skillfully operating the drone to fly above the equipment area.
"Drones can capture hidden dangers that are difficult to detect with the naked eye, such as the main transformer bushing lead joints, the appearance of overhead insulators, and the rust on the gate-type frame bolts in multiple dimensions," Liu Dixiao introduced.
In the next step, State Grid Chongqing Ultra-High Voltage Company will continue to accumulate experience in the application of new technologies, maximize the role of intelligent equipment in the power grid, and fully grasp and perceive the operating status of equipment with more efficient means and accurate data.