
Precious: 50 historical moments worth revisiting!


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1. Paramount Theatre, Hollywood, 1952

The first color 3D movie in history: Bwana Devil

2. London Underground 150 years ago. London is the first city in the world to have a subway.

Stop complaining about crowded subways, at least you have a roof over your head.

3. In 1960, the first white elementary school in the southern United States

African American Ruby Bridges. Lots of bodyguards.

4. In 1957, the Norwich City Government in the UK bought a computer

5. Customers listen to records in a soundproof booth at a London record store in 1955.

6. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates discuss the future of the PC in 1991

7. Windows 95 is released.

8. Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn, 1956

Backstage at the Oscars. The age of natural beauty.

9. On December 15, 1941, one week after the Pearl Harbor attack, Ruth Lee, a waitress at a Chinese restaurant on the beach in Miami, planted the flag of the Republic of China next to her to avoid being mistaken for a Japanese.

10. November 1989, the first Saturday after the fall of the Berlin Wall,

Large numbers of East Berliners entered West Berlin.

11. On September 3, 1967, Sweden changed the direction of road traffic.

The first day after changing from left to right.

12. A fashion magazine's New York street shot in 1969. It doesn't look tacky now.

13. Drinking fountains during racial segregation in the United States.

14. Iran in 1960. If this outfit were put on today, it would probably get you executed.

15. In 1945, members of the Flying Tigers looked at Shanghai from the Shanghai International Hotel. In those days, entry and exit were very convenient. One could just walk to Hong Kong. Eileen Chang did just that. It was said that one could go directly to the United States by buying a boat ticket. No formalities or visas were required. At that time, the relationship between the United States and China was very good.

16. In 1928, the Hollywood era began, and the MGM opening logo was filmed.

There was no PS back then, so the props were real!

17. The streets of Kabul, Afghanistan in 1972.

Afghanistan is a free, open and prosperous country.

18. "Kennedy's assassin shot dead" - On November 22, 1963, Oswald shot into the street from the sixth floor of the Texas State Library in Dallas, assassinating President Kennedy and was arrested on the spot. Two days later, when he was escorted by the police outside the Dallas Detention Center, nightclub owner Ruby suddenly appeared and shot Oswald. Ruby claimed that the killing was out of indignation, not to silence him, which made the Kennedy case more complicated. The photographer captured the historical moment when Ruby rushed over and shot Oswald.

19. The red-light district in Seoul, South Korea, 1945.

20. Tokyo, 1983
Former US President Reagan and Emperor Showa.

21. 14-year-old Beckham signed with Manchester United.

22. In 1979, Obama took a photo with other basketball team members in the yearbook of Punahou School, his alma mater.

23. Hillary Rodham, fresh out of college in 1969

(Later Hillary Clinton)

24. In 1888, the Eiffel Tower was built.

25. The earliest Ronald McDonald, Willard Scott.

26. German and British planes battled over London in 1940. Peace is great.

27. "The Kiss of Victory". On August 14, 1945, Japan announced its unconditional surrender, and New Yorkers took to the streets to celebrate the victory. A sailor kissed a nurse next to him during the celebration in Times Square. This moment was captured by Alfred Eisenstaedt, a photographer for Life magazine, and became a classic historical picture handed down from generation to generation.

28. 1956, General Motors Technical Center.

29. Dubai has changed in the past 20 years. What can I say? The victory of oil? Or has the earth's blood been replaced by skyscrapers?

30. The second from the right in the first row, the one in green clothes and white hat is Bin Laden?

31. Nagasaki, 1945. The atomic bomb had already fallen when the photo was taken. Photographer RiP, this is taking photos with your life. The three people standing under the telephone pole are really cool.

32. British soldiers on the streets of Hong Kong in 1967, when the Hong Kong left was rioting in the Cultural Revolution, were definitely not defending Rolex.

33. On April 12, 1964, chess grandmaster Bobby Fischer played against 50 opponents at the same time and won 47 of them.

34. "Self-immolating Monk" photographed by American photojournalist Malcolm Brown in Vietnam in 1968. Monk Thich Quang Duc set himself on fire at a crossroads in Saigon to protest the anti-Buddhist Ngo Dinh Diem government. Afterwards, Thich Quang Duc's body was cremated at the Xa Loi Pagoda in central Saigon. However, his heart was not cremated and was regarded as a sacred object and has been preserved to this day.

35. In 1974, the Chinese Wushu delegation visited the United States. Kissinger shook hands with young Jet Li.

36. The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York were under construction in 1971. Then... the whole world knew about it.

37. Princess Elizabeth, now the Queen of England, serving in the British Army in 1945

38. November 22, 1963, before Kennedy was assassinated

39. Chamberlain trained on the track and field during high school. Chamberlain was 2.16 meters tall.

40. Hitler Youth, 1939

41. Stuntmen Gladys Roy and Ivan Unger playing tennis in a flying plane, 1925

45. Picasso cosplays as Popeye

43. Italian Fascist Party headquarters, circa 1930

44. Brooklyn Bridge construction workers in 1914. Compared to them, Spider-Man is nothing!

45. The method of testing helmets in the 1920s. Everyone should cherish every helmet.

46. ​​French citizens after the fall of France to Germany. Uncle, don't cry

47. In September 1997, outside Kensington Palace, people presented flowers to Princess Diana. (The white ones are flowers)

48. On December 7, 1941, after the first wave of 183 Japanese aircraft successfully attacked Pearl Harbor, they took off another 168 aircraft and launched another attack.

49. Prague Spring: Soviet tanks drove into the streets of Czechoslovakia

50. On October 13, 1923, William H. Murphy demonstrated a bulletproof vest. He demonstrated with his life.

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