
Capitalism is the real "alien"


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"Alien: Reaper" is currently in theaters, and many people are touting it as a "classic" of "American science fiction culture" and "American horror movies."

In fact, the "Alien" series is particularly capable of showing the mental state of Americans.

It expresses the obsession and persistence of Americans with "biological experiments". Americans always hope to create some "perfect creatures" in the laboratory, whether it is taking drugs, taking drugs, hybridizing humans and animals, or mixing humans and insects. They just want to create some perverted things.

The aliens' speed, strength, and agility far exceed those of humans. They have thick skin and flesh, do not need to eat, and can grow overnight. Their bodies are covered with weapons, their blood is strong acid, and they have no human emotions and desires, only the instinct to kill and reproduce... If they could be controlled, they would be such great "warriors and cattle and horses", but it's a pity that they are so disobedient.

The so-called "perfect creatures" are the "perfect cattle and horses" in their delusions.

It just so happens that the aliens are black, have superb athletic ability, kill and destroy everywhere, and have "face huggers", "mouthparts", "cylindrical heads", "tubular dorsal fins"... the whole thing looks like a walking reproductive organ. Moreover, their reproductive ability is incredible, and they can conquer the universe with their wombs... What kind of incredible innuendo is this?

From the first Alien to now, how many times have we seen black stuff enter the bodies of white people (including white engineers)? Is this a horror movie or something else?

The aliens were born from the "black water" brought by the white engineers that infected humans and the engineers themselves... "Black water" is essentially a "biochemical weapon" that was originally supposed to be used to destroy enemy civilizations, but it ended up shooting itself in the foot and destroyed its own civilization.

In fact, there is no essential difference between "alien" and "zombie" in American culture. This is due to their inherent fear of the lower-class life... Other civilizations have not committed so many evils, so they cannot empathize and cannot imagine such a chaotic patchwork.

In a true industrial civilization, "aliens" and "zombies" are useless. No matter how powerful they are, they are just a bunch of proteins. They cannot withstand billions of tons of steel and gunpowder, nor can they fight against a well-organized army... But the humans in the entire series of movies are like idiots. They just give themselves up and are raped by aliens again and again... Is this some bad habit?

Americans also have an obsession with wanting to "get close to the Creator", which makes them feel both inferior and arrogant.

The "Other Sex" series looks like a science fiction or horror film, but it is essentially a religious film. The whole film is still asking the question of "where do we come from and where do we go". They do not believe that humans are the masters of the world, and there must always be a place for "God" in the universe, but they are so arrogant that they try to steal the "authority" of the Creator and replace him.

Americans also have a perverted obsession with "robots" and "artificial intelligence". They always feel that things made up of a pile of codes are more likely to give birth to "divinity". In fact, this is an extreme inferiority and lack of self-confidence in themselves. They always want to create a "creator" to think for themselves.

The most ridiculous thing is that in reality, the United States can’t even pick up two astronauts after dropping them in space, so how can it be confident about “colonizing other planets” in the future? Even if the United States uses up all its metals in three hundred years, it still won’t be able to build a space station like the one in the movie.

Abandoning the real industry and becoming obsessed with the supernatural, this is the greatest American horror.

The movie "Alien: Death Stranding" can particularly reflect the doomsday scene of capitalism, with its insatiable greed, insanity, exploitation without bottom line, chaos, evil and inhumanity.

In the bullshit "future" they described, there is no country, no government, only the "Wyland Company", which monopolizes everything in human production and life. Human technology has developed to the point of exploring the universe, interstellar travel, and developing extraterrestrial planets, but it still continues the old ways of the European colonists.

They turned the entire planet into a giant mine, hired countless "slave workers" to work for them, and in an era of highly developed technology, they still rely on exploiting the blood and sweat of workers to seek personal gain... In this giant mine, there is no "human rights" at all. People are consumables, human batteries. The company paints a rosy picture for the slave workers, telling them that if they work hard and earn enough points, they can go to the "dream planet" to enjoy themselves. The heroine was forced to sell herself to the company for many years, and tried her best to earn enough points to go out, but she was still fooled. After tens of millions of years of human development, humans have developed an "East India Company"?

The appearance of aliens also comes from the greed of big capital and the selfish desires of the human ruling class. Some of them try to obtain "perfect creatures", some try to test biological weapons, some dream of immortality, and some dream of becoming "creator".

It is capitalism that exaggerates the disaster and then shifts it onto ordinary people.

What do you think is scarier, the aliens or this "future world"?

When human technology has developed to the point of interstellar travel, we are still wallowing in the cesspool of slavery?

The core of Western culture is only subconscious about the agency of "authority", that is, they only want to steal power and take advantage, but do not want to bear unlimited joint and several liability. When they fail, they like to play the "redemption, original sin" cycle. From stealing fire and fleeing, to colonial trade, World War I and World War II, and financial thunderstorms. This is true for religious myths and scientific fantasies.

This is why their science fiction works are obsessed with "artificial humans", "artificial monsters" and "artificial zombies". What they fantasize about are the things they want to do but cannot do... All of this is anti-human at its core.

Why do they always "fear the development of technology" in science fiction works? Because they have never really understood the meaning of "science". They regard technology as a "gift from God" in the religious sense. They do not understand science, and they do not believe in human beings themselves.

They are extremely greedy and at the same time extremely fearful, because they know very well how their greedy, cruel and murderous ancestors committed the "original sin".

The "Alien" series is actually the "Judgment Day" in their subconscious.