
US media: Artificial intelligence is leading the transformation of modern warfare


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Reference News reported on August 20On August 5, the website of the U.S. bimonthly Foreign Affairs published an article titled "The United States is not prepared for future wars, but the wars have already begun", written by former Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt. The article is translated as follows:

On the battlefield in Ukraine, the future of warfare is fast becoming a reality, with thousands of drones in the air, and the drones and their operators using artificial intelligence systems to avoid obstacles and identify potential targets.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict isn’t the only one being transformed by new technologies. In Myanmar and Sudan, both insurgents and governments have used unmanned vehicles and algorithms in combat. In Gaza, Israel has deployed thousands of drones linked to artificial intelligence algorithms to help its military move through the city.

In some ways, this pace of development is not surprising. Warfare has always driven innovation. But today’s changes are happening at an unusually rapid pace, and they will have even greater consequences. Future wars will no longer be fought over who has the most troops or the best planes, ships, and tanks. Instead, they will be dominated by increasingly autonomous weapon systems and powerful algorithms.

"The United States is not yet ready for future wars"

Yet the United States is not ready for such a future. Its planes, ships and tanks are not protected from drone attacks; the military has not yet embraced artificial intelligence; and the Pentagon is not doing enough to improve, and is moving too slowly.