
Two men in Henan were arrested for catching 44 geckos! Police: catching one is illegal, catching more than 20 may result in a criminal case


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Recently, the Public Security Bureau of Huaiyang District, Zhoukou City, Henan Province released a case:

Around the early morning of August 14, Xu Gaoshuai, a police officer from the Lincai Police Station, was conducting night patrol and control when he found two men wearing headlamps and using homemade sticky poles to catch geckos in Yueqiao Village under his jurisdiction. He then took the two men into the police station.After questioning, Lv Lai and Si Mouli confessed to their illegal and criminal acts, and criminal compulsory measures have been taken against them. A total of 44 captured geckos have been released.

In rural areas, every household has many geckos living in it. It is very common to see geckos coming out to look for food under lights at night. How can catching such small creatures be associated with crime?

Geckos have high value in traditional Chinese medicine. As their economic value continues to rise in recent years, illegal hunting has occurred from time to time. Dried geckos are called "Tianlong" and are a commonly used precious Chinese medicinal material. However, geckos used as medicine must be obtained through legal means such as artificial breeding. After processing, they can be used as medicine, which has the effects of dispelling wind and activating collaterals, dispersing knots and relieving pain, and calming nerves and relieving spasms. This species belongs to the "three-protected" wild animals. No individual or unit may hunt and sell them at will.

What are the “three-protected” animals?