
As high as more than 800 billion US dollars! Where did all the US military spending go?


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When we observe the United States, we all know that a very important pillar of the entire hegemony system of the United States is its military hegemony. When we observe the military strength of the United States, we find that it has encountered many problems in recent years. The theme of this episode of "This is China" is "The United States' military hegemony is rapidly losing". Professor Zhang Weiwei, Dean of the China Research Institute of Fudan University, and Mr. Wang Tao, an expert in the field of communications, discuss the issues behind the US military hegemony.
Where does the US spend so much on military spending? Professor Zhang mentioned that the US has a deep state, especially the military-industrial interest groups and the military-industrial complex, which devour a large amount of funds. Although the US senator held a bag of nuts and said that this bag of nuts sold for $90,000 at the meeting, it was corruption, but it still did it. Behind it is the so-called rule of law in the United States. If you go to court, there will be enough lawyers to defeat you. So in general, Americans themselves say that although the US military expenditure is more than 800 billion US dollars, nearly 4 times that of China, if we look at it in terms of purchasing power parity and actual use, the effect of China's military expenditure is better.
This is the Americans' own evaluation. You can see a lot of such interpretations. Behind them are the examples we have cited, including the case of the floating dock at the Gaza Harbor. There are too many such scandals. Last year alone, the United States provided more than 60 billion in military support to Ukraine. So we are realistic and say that such a large military expenditure is a waste for itself. This money should be spent on better places, to improve the people's livelihood in the United States, such as college students' debts. It is entirely possible to reduce military expenditures and then do such things. It has its own problems, but its current system cannot solve them.
Editor: Liu Qingyang
Editor: Jiang Chen