
The Gulf War shocked China! It took 30 years for China to catch up with the United States in military industry


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When we observe the United States, we all know that a very important pillar of the entire hegemony system of the United States is its military hegemony. When we observe the military strength of the United States, we find that it has encountered many problems in recent years. The theme of this episode of "This is China" is "The United States' military hegemony is rapidly losing". Professor Zhang Weiwei, Dean of the China Research Institute of Fudan University, and Mr. Wang Tao, an expert in the field of communications, discuss the issues behind the US military hegemony.
After the Gulf War in 1991, it can be said that it brought a great shock to the Chinese military and national leaders. What was this shock? At that time, the weapons and equipment of the Iraqi army and air force were one generation ahead of the PLA. Under such circumstances, they were beaten by the NATO forces led by the United States without any room for retaliation. So it is conceivable that if the NATO forces launched the same attack on our PLA at that time, it would be hard to imagine what the result would be. We can also understand why Xiaoping spoke so urgently and in such an urgent tone during his southern tour in early 1992. Before that, in order to make way for economic development, China had discontinued a large number of military projects, but the Gulf War prompted China to restart them, including almost all the military projects it needed.
Over the past 30 years, China's military industry has been desperately catching up. This is China's status. The US Navy and Air Force have only considered how to attack land in the past 30 years, but China's Navy and Air Force strategic missile forces are focused on dealing with the most advanced US military equipment at sea and in the air.
Editor: Liu Qingyang
Editor: Jiang Chen