
Chengdu citizens took photos of 7 suns in the same frame Experts: virtual images formed by laminated glass


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Source: Cover News

Cover News reporter Wu Bingqing

At the end of the dog days of summer, the sun is releasing its last enthusiasm, and Chengdu is hot every day. On August 18, a Chengdu citizen took a video of seven suns in the same frame. After seeing the video, netizens "urgently summoned" Hou Yi.

Image from the Internet

According to the netizen who filmed the video, the video was shot through glass, but it could be seen from multiple angles.

Zeng Yang, vice president of the Sichuan Provincial Astronomy Popular Science Association, said that this is actually a normal optical phenomenon. This phenomenon is caused by the virtual image seen by the observer through the laminated glass after multiple refractions and reflections. "Every additional layer of glass will add an additional virtual image. Sometimes the same piece of glass will show different numbers of virtual images when viewed from different angles."

From the video, we can see that the images of multiple suns are upright and have obvious dimming, which is consistent with the characteristics of refraction and reflection into virtual images.