
Did you know that useless windows can be used like this? It will definitely surprise you!


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We have discussed the topic of booths many times, but I especially want to single out the booths next to the restaurant windows because I think making full use of this location can bring higher value, so I decided to write a special article to explore this topic.

In this unique restaurant, we have transformed the bay window into a western kitchen bar, so that you can enjoy the beautiful scenery outside the window while enjoying the food. It combines a comfortable dining environment with fashionable western cooking. You can witness the chef's exquisite skills in front of the bar and taste the freshly baked delicious food. Whether you are gathering with friends or tasting alone, the bay window bar is an ideal place for you to relax and enjoy life. Welcome to explore the double feast of taste buds and vision!

Although the bay window in the restaurant cannot be removed, we can cleverly transform it into a unique booth, which can not only make full use of the space but also increase the comfort of dining. We can turn disadvantages into advantages and create a unique dining experience.

By cleverly utilizing the bay window in the restaurant, we can design a booth function that effectively replaces the traditional dining chairs, which not only improves the overall layout of the space but also makes the movement flow smoother.

The booth design of a small restaurant combines storage and seating functions, maximizing the value of the small space.

The design of de-living room cleverly transforms the bay window of the living room into a booth, which not only meets the function of a sofa for leisure, but also has the practicality of dining and writing. This layout makes the living room more in line with the needs of modern life.

The bay window under the restaurant window is often regarded as useless. If it is not used, the space will become a waste. In this case, the bay window can be transformed into a booth, which also has the function of a seat. This can not only maximize the customization of the sideboard, but also more reasonably improve the use value of the space.

The dining room is moved to the balcony, and the desk function is integrated, making full use of the customized booth design under the window. This booth not only has the practical function of a seat, but also meets the needs of partial storage. The low cabinets and bookcases on both sides provide convenience for placing books at hand. This dual-functional layout of the dining room and the study room improves the utilization value of the space.

If the restaurant space is small, you can customize a low cabinet under the window, which can not only meet some storage needs but also serve as a seat, thus making the restaurant's traffic flow more reasonable and enhancing the sense of spaciousness of the space.

By using a low flat window design, a booth function is expanded to rationally utilize the space layout, which not only saves space but also adds novelty visually.

After the bay window in the restaurant is paved and a small dining table is placed on it, it can function as a booth, which not only increases the comfort of dining but also effectively utilizes the limited space.

The restaurant is located just below the utility room window, and the booths were custom designed with finished log furniture to achieve optimal use of functionality and space.

The bay window design of the restaurant not only provides a space for leisure, but also serves as a booth for the dining table, perfectly combining beauty and space utilization.

The L-shaped booth cleverly utilizes the space under the window and is equipped with a small round table, which is suitable for occasions with a small number of guests. This layout not only meets the storage needs, but also takes into account the appearance.