
"1 dead, 60 injured, one tourist had a lumbar fracture"! Eyewitnesses speak out


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At 13:56 on August 10, the magic carpet project for climbing up and viewing the waterfall in Detian Waterfall Scenic Area in Guangxi broke down. After preliminary verification, as of 18:30, the accident caused the death of one tourist and the injury of 60 tourists (including one serious injury and 59 minor injuries). That night, the staff of the Daxin County Emergency Management Bureau told reporters that rescue personnel had gone to the scene for rescue and treatment. An injured tourist said, "The lumbar vertebra was fractured."

After the accident, Daxin County immediately set up an emergency response team. The county emergency department, cultural tourism, fire protection, and medical staff have arrived at the scene to provide treatment, investigate the cause of the accident, and appease tourists. Subsequently, the scenic spot issued a notice stating that due to equipment and facility maintenance and inspection, the scenic spot will be temporarily closed from August 11, and the subsequent opening time will be notified separately. All tourists who have booked tickets online can go through the original ticket purchase platform to handle the refund procedure free of charge, and the refund amount will be returned to the original route.

Accident eyewitnesses recall

On the evening of the 10th, Zhang Ran (pseudonym), an eyewitness who was riding the flying magic carpet at the time of the incident, said that the flying magic carpet was transporting tourists upwards, with a few body lengths between each person. "Then it suddenly stopped for half a second and began to slide down. The people in front and behind collided with each other due to inertia, and the people below were also piled together. The baffles on the left and right sides were also broken at the time."

Zhang Ran told reporters that her family was sitting together at the time. She was very scared and kept crying after the incident. "Fortunately, I only had a scratch on my right hand, but my mother and aunt seemed to have suffered more serious back injuries. I don't know the specific injuries yet."

The reporter noticed on social media that many netizens posted that they saw ambulances constantly coming in and out of the Detian Waterfall Scenic Area in Guangxi in the afternoon. One netizen said that she was about to queue up to ride the flying magic carpet when she heard tourists say that the project had broken down. "When we were asking about refunds at the ticket office, a little boy came over and told us that he had just come down and couldn't play the project. I saw that his arm was scratched, very seriously, and was bleeding."