
Financial Attitude丨Three departments issued a document to deploy! How to make a good "rule and scale" for carbon emissions? Expert interpretation→


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According to the "Transaction Reality" report of the Economic Voice of China Central Radio and Television, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments recently issued the "Action Plan for Further Strengthening the Construction of Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Standard Measurement System (2024-2025)". The plan proposes to accelerate the development of corporate carbon emission accounting standards. Accelerate the research and formulation and revision of carbon emission accounting standards and technical specifications for key industries such as electricity, coal, steel, nonferrous metals, and textiles; accelerate the development of national standards for carbon footprints of new energy vehicles, photovoltaics, lithium batteries and other products, and serve new advantages in foreign trade exports.

How to do a good job in carbon emission accounting and measurement? How to "calculate well and reduce"? Economic Voice "Financial Attitude" interviewed Li Yan, a professor at the School of Environment of Renmin University of China.

Li Yan said that the carbon peak and carbon neutrality standard measurement system can be simply understood as rulers and scales in daily life, which are measurement tools. Since carbon emissions are invisible and intangible, the country needs to establish a system to ensure that carbon emissions from different industries, projects and products can be measured in a scientific and unified way, which will help achieve accurate measurement and unified management of carbon emissions.

The plan proposes that by 2025, a three-in-one carbon emission accounting and evaluation standard system for enterprises, projects and products will be basically formed. Li Yan analyzed that in addition to the production process, the carbon emissions of enterprises also include the entire life cycle of the product, such as logistics and waste links, which requires enterprises to manage carbon emissions throughout the production and operation process and reduce carbon emissions through ecological design. The three-in-one carbon emission accounting and evaluation standard system is in line with international standards and is more scientific. It is conducive to my country's carbon verification at the macro and micro levels and enhances the international voice of carbon emission reduction.

Li Yan said that when formulating relevant standards for key carbon emission industries such as electricity, coal, and steel, we should focus on technical availability and economic feasibility. The technology should be close to the industry, and the economic cost should not be too high. We should find out the overall development status of the industry, make an overall assessment, determine the industry benchmark level as soon as possible, determine the industry carbon emission baseline, and formulate standards based on this. On the other hand, we should take technological innovation as the leading driving force, and through institutional arrangements and policy improvements, promote enterprises to transform environmental benefits into economic benefits and continuously improve emission reduction capabilities. At the same time, effectively connect the carbon trading market to promote a virtuous cycle and interaction between the government, enterprises and the market.