
Gaode Map is the pulse of factory guys and girls


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If you want to study the details of human social civilization, the simplest and quickest channel is: netizen comments.

To find out whether an animation series is good or classic, check Douban. To find an oasis in the food desert of Hangzhou, check To avoid making mistakes when looking for a job and want to see what the company is like in advance, check Maimai.

No one wants to regret after falling into a trap, or regret after eating something unpalatable, so everyone unites together.Evaluate everything: takeout, express delivery, movies, TV shows, variety shows, schools, companies, celebrities.

Comment Universe came into being.

Evaluation Evaluation Software

It is also part of evaluating the universe.

In order to identify faster and higher quality comments, netizens have also learned to analyze the reliability of comments.

A takeaway shop with monthly sales of 3,000 and 2,000 positive reviews is suspicious.

The store with a lot of words in the review section and photos is suspicious.

How can so many people give good reviews and take photos when eating takeout? Aren’t they just doing it for the cashback?

The evaluation dimensions and comment paths must also be broad, striving to restore the full picture of things from multiple perspectives.

Recently, I discovered a type of software that survives in the cracks of the comment universe but shines brightly.

——Navigation software.

Wait, isn't this thing used to find your way around? Who would comment or read comments on this? Don't worry, let me explain.

The reason I had such feelings came from a post I saw on Hupu a while ago.

A man who made a dozen screws was cheated by the factory when he settled his salary. He lamented that he was still too young and too simple. He should have trusted Amap earlier.

At first glance, I don't understand why I trust a navigation app? Is it possible that I took the wrong road or chose the wrong place?

The result was even more "weird" than finding the wrong place. It turned out that our predecessors had already given the answer in Amap:Don’t come, black factory!

You may not have noticed that when you select a location in the navigation software and scroll down, there is a user review section.

In the comment section of this location, some people shared their experiences of being deducted money, such as being charged more than 100 yuan for accommodation, utilities and water after staying for four days; and some people directly wrote a short essay, recording their entire experience from entering the factory to being fired.

If you look through it more often, you will find that there are quite a few similar situations. For example, in a certain employment agency, someone said that the introduction fee was too high and did not seem reliable.

Some netizens also gave a clear introduction and left a comment in the comment section: black labor agency.

There are also many places that have done well, and netizens will not be stingy with their praise at this time.

But if you think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with it. Any industry has the need to exchange workplace information. Internet giants can use Maimai to complain, gossip, and exchange industry information, but for many other industries, there is no such dedicated place.

Factories, labor agencies, and small and medium-sized companies in traditional industries are all like this. Want to communicate with everyone? Don’t know where to go...

Leaving a bad review on the map software to warn future generations is the quickest and most effective way.

After all, you need navigation wherever you go, and as long as you have coordinates on the map, you leave room for netizens to comment.

For example, the Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou.

I believe I don't need to say much about the famous Lingyin Temple. It was built in the first year of the Xianhe period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. It has a long history and is a Buddhist resort. It is one of the famous "Ten Temples". But if you don't make a guide, you may not know that going to Lingyin Temple is not an easy task.

Because it is located in the West Lake scenic area of ​​Hangzhou, the environmental protection of the West Lake scenic area is fully implemented. While it is pleasing to the eye, it is difficult to avoid inconvenient parking and crazy traffic jams when taking taxis. Some people who are not aware of it may be confused when they go there.

Imagine: setting off at 13:00, posting the location of Lingyin Temple on WeChat Moments at 13:30.

In fact: I set out at 13:00, but was still stuck in Lingxi Tunnel at 13:30, questioning my life...

In addition, Lingyin Temple is located in Feilai Peak, which is also a large scenic area. The tickets for Feilai Peak and Lingyin Temple are separate and need to be purchased twice.

Many of these comments on the map navigation are complaints intended to vent emotions, but in terms of practical effects, they can serve as a warning to future generations.

Of course, there are definitely more positive reviews.

In addition to sharing the scenery of Lingyin Temple, many netizens will add little-known knowledge about the temple in the comment section, saying that there is free tea to drink, Lingyin Eighteen Seeds, and tickets to the scenic area can be purchased in packages.

Some even write prose, and I have to say, their writing is really good. I feel like I have made a profit when I read it...

If you open the world's famous university rankings such as QS, you can only see how Zhejiang University ranks according to its academic status. If you open Baidu search, most of the time you can only see the various achievements Zhejiang University has made around the world. But if you open the navigation software, you can see the extremely down-to-earth side of the famous university.

For example, the sunset at the Zijingang Campus in summer, the ability to order takeout from the cafeteria, the convenience of taxis on campus, and the inconvenience of being too far from the subway station.

No place is perfect, so here you can also see many students' B-side impressions of famous schools, some little things that are not so perfect.

The service at a certain charging station is terrible. Many of them are broken and do not support truck charging. Leave a message to let later comers know in advance.

The square you often visit has become deserted, and you can also express your feelings on the map.

In short, there are a great variety of places that can be evaluated, and they can be done in great detail.

You said that netizens commented on our park, that's fine, but how come even the toilets in our park are commented on! ! ! Is it really necessary to be so detailed? I have a question:

In fact, even the neighborhood where I live has a lot of reviews.

In the past two years, I have lived in a resettlement housing community opposite the park. It is an eight-minute walk to work. The surrounding supporting facilities are complete and the price is affordable among nearby communities. I was quite satisfied when I looked at houses on weekends.

Only after moving in did I realize that this place loves to set off firecrackers during festivals. At 9pm and 5am, when you think humans should rest, people here think it's time to set off fireworks. The same goes for decoration. In the resettlement housing community, there are many rentals and partitions, so there are people decorating all year round, one after another.

I didn’t expect that someone would speak my mind on the navigation software. . .

There is another residential area near our company. The decoration is quite good in all aspects, but there is an elevated road and a cemetery nearby. This is how people evaluate it:

Haha, no matter how well-packaged a house is, it will be stripped of its skin when it is placed on the map software.

Even if it is not a resettlement housing community, as long as the environment is bad, it will still get a bad review on the navigation software. From the bald security guard at the north gate to the community sound insulation and garbage station.

In a world where everyone is “brushing up good reviews,” the reviews in map software give people a unique sense of “reality.”

People useThe most real words are to write down your thoughts about the places around you. It can be a ruthless exposure of the store owner, or the memories brought to you by the university cafeteria or the park in front of the door.

In my opinion, there are two reasons why such a unique atmosphere can be formed.

First, map software is too unpopular and niche in the evaluation universe.

Therefore, it is either extremely delicious or extremely unpalatable, otherwise no one will open the map software to comment on it. This also results in extremely detailed reviews, after all, they are all expressions of emotion.

Second,This kind of evaluation channel has not yet developed well.

As early as 2021, Yu Yongfu, chairman of AutoNavi Maps, said that the AutoNavi platform will "open a service platform for a good life when going out", focus on the scenarios after going out, and use a map to carry food, clothing, housing and transportation.

This is just a microcosm. Other map softwares think the same way. They regard themselves as the portal to local life and constantly try to attract traffic through navigation functions, and then guide them to the local life section. In their words, it starts from destination selection, travel arrangements, recommendation along the way, discounted purchases, and then to in-store consumption and evaluation and repurchase.

The review section is just one of the navigation software business attempts, and there are also various guide collections around locations.

These collections are like a series of "Nearby Featured" maps. As a tourist, if you really go to Tsinghua University, you don’t have to bother making a travel guide yourself, you can just copy the homework.

I clicked in to study it a bit, and found that the page is actually quite carefully designed, with a sense of small but complete capabilities.

Map software are trying to build a new ecosystem around maps.

Not only a collection, there was news a while ago that Amap will launch a restaurant queuing function...

It’s a pity that these experimental sectors have not seen any improvement yet.

According to the sharing of Xiaohongshu users, Amap is actually also guiding users to write high-quality reviews through means such as bounty tasks.

But even so, looking at the places on the map,There are still only a few that are interesting and informative. The more common situation is that many places have no reviews, or there are only 1-2 reviews, which have extremely limited reference value.

Merchants do not pay attention to maintenance and rarely invite users to give good reviews, nor do they deal with bad reviews in a targeted manner.

The comments you can see above are almost all spontaneous, so most of them are very real, and they dare to say anything without showing any mercy.

Originally, everyone opened the navigation software to reach their destination in life.

Now, a new path has been opened up:Navigation software is also pulled into the evaluation universe and even turned into an electronic warning sign.