
Sharp Comments | The US "drug team" needs an explanation for the photoshopped pictures and deleted posts


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The Paris Olympics are drawing to a close, but the doping suspicions surrounding the United States are getting more serious. Recently, a photo taken by a US media and released by the US Embassy had a significant color difference with other photos used by international media. The focus of the photo editing was to change the skin color from purple to white. In addition, the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) was also found to have deleted a statement that an athlete who violated the rules was not banned due to accidental ingestion. A series of operations revealed a strong sense of guilt.

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) recently issued a statement, revealing that American athletes have a long history of illegal use of doping.In addition to outrageous excuses such as "transmission through kissing", "contamination from bed rest", and "rational use of drugs", there is also a hilarious "undercover" plot.--In 2021, WADA discovered that American athletes were participating in competitions with serious violations. The US claimed that these athletes were "informants" investigating whether other athletes used doping. Not only did it forcibly shirk responsibility, it also forced WADA to remain silent by saying that "once made public, it will threaten the personal safety of the athletes."

According to the World Anti-Doping Code, if an athlete who violates the rules on doping can provide "substantial assistance" to discover other violators, "with the consent of WADA" they can offset their mistakes and "part of their ban period will be suspended."The US has switched concepts and wantonly distorted the rules to "pave the way" for athletes who violated the rules. How is this different from a "protective umbrella"?

According to authoritative disclosures, 31% of American athletes did not receive adequate doping tests in the year before the Tokyo Olympics; 90% of American athletes, including professional and college athletes, did not comply with WADA regulations. Such large-scale and frequent cheating does make people wonder whether there is a systematic force at work behind this?

WADA President Banka said: "Law enforcement agencies around the world have told WADA that the United States is a huge market for the sale and distribution of performance-enhancing drugs."During the teenage years of American athletes, coaches, agents and sports organizations have been constantly instilling the temptation of doping into them. Many American athletes have become addicted to doping after being "fed up" and entering the international arena.For example, Armstrong, the legendary American "king of cyclists" who won the Tour de France seven times, was extremely dependent on erythropoietin. In his own words, taking stimulants is like pumping air into a tire or drinking water. His team doctors would fabricate false diseases for the team members so that they could "use drugs legally." Studies have shown that when athletes take erythropoietin, their 8-kilometer treadmill running time will be shortened by an average of 44 seconds compared to before. The side effect of this drug is "a certain probability of causing the face to turn purple."

As the most important link in the doping abuse industry chain, the US government not only does not strictly require it, but instead mobilizes national power to help athletes "exempt from testing" and create unfair advantages. The US pharmaceutical companies responsible for the development of doping are one of the industries with the most rampant lobbying in the United States. About 90% of US House of Representatives and more than 90% of US Senators have accepted campaign donations from US pharmaceutical companies.The U.S. government, U.S. pharmaceutical companies, relevant professional organizations, and athletes have formed a complete closed loop in this industry chain. After becoming famous, some athletes will invest in return to share the profits. The deep binding of interests has led to the increasing use of drugs in the U.S. sports world.

The United States, which regards itself as the "world policeman", often talks about rules, but when it comes to itself, it "uses them when they are suitable and discards them when they are not". Before the Paris Olympics, the United States made a big fuss about doping, rehashing some groundless reports from three years ago in an attempt to disrupt the Chinese team's preparations. The international testing agency also responded that the media's continuous reports on the Chinese swimming team did lead to additional testing. After the "groundless" hype, the athletes of the Chinese swimming team encountered the most intensive testing, but they still withstood the pressure and produced a brilliant report card.

The Chinese team won cleanly, while the American team had purple faces and was burdened with doubts. How could they make a big deal out of a small matter? The Olympics is a sports feast shared by all mankind, and the competitive environment should be fair and clean.This time, WADA revealed that the United States covered up the use of steroids and erythropoietin, which threw a clue for the investigation. If some people are really confident in their self-proclaimed "innocence", they should calmly and actively accept the independent and thorough investigation of the authority. The whole world is waiting for an answer.

Source: Beijing Daily Client

Process Editor: u070
