
Another sonic boom was heard over the Lebanese capital!


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Israeli military aircraft have been flying over

Frequently over Lebanon

Breaking the sound barrier and making a loud noise

Local time on the 10th

Beirut, the capital of Lebanon

The sonic boom sounded again...

This is the fourth time this month that an Israeli military aircraft has

Create a sonic boom over the Lebanese capital

The Lebanese National News Agency reported that Israeli military aircraft broke the sound barrier twice over the Lebanese capital Beirut in the evening of the 10th local time. This is the fourth time this month that Israeli military aircraft broke the sound barrier over Beirut.

When an object moves at a speed close to the speed of sound, it encounters a strong resistance, causing the object to vibrate violently and its speed to decay. This phenomenon is called the sound barrier. When an airplane breaks the sound barrier, people on the ground can feel a huge explosion, which is called a sonic boom.

▲ The moment a fighter jet broke the sound barrier (data picture)


A strong response will be

Prior to this, Israeli military aircraft broke the sound barrier several times and caused sonic booms over the Lebanese capital Beirut for three consecutive days on the 5th, 6th and 7th local time.


Nasrallah, the leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah, said in a speech on the 6th that Hezbollah will implement a strong and effective response to Israel for the assassination of its senior military commander Shukur. He also said that Israel may use fighter jets to break the sound barrier during his speech to intimidate participants, and they will also take corresponding response measures.

Analysts say the Israeli military's move

It's part of psychological warfare.

Qatar's Al Jazeera TV reported on the 10th that Israeli military aircraft have been making loud noises over Beirut more and more frequently in recent days. This is part of Israel's psychological warfare against the Lebanese people amid the escalating conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Military analysts in Israel pointed out that the IDF's move has two meanings: one is to deter Hezbollah, that is, the air supremacy of Lebanese airspace is in the hands of the IDF; the other is to test the deployment of Hezbollah's radar system.

Source: CCTV Military Comprehensive CCTV-13 "News Live Room"
