
Insights: Let the happy mushroom grass light up the happy future


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Starting from August 8, the contemporary foreign aid reality TV series "Happy Grass" was broadcast on CCTV-1 prime time and simultaneously launched on multiple platforms. This is another masterpiece of Shandong Film and Television Media Group in the field of realistic TV series.
In recent years, Shandong has made the creation and development of film and television dramas an important part of building a culturally strong province. Under this powerful guidance, over the past decade, Shandong Film and Television Media Group has produced more than a dozen TV dramas, including "Battle of Changsha", "Old Farmers", "The Great Yangko", "The Pretender", and "Nirvana in Fire", setting a record in terms of quantity, quality, and reputation, and setting off a wave of "Lu drama" craze.
What kind of expectations will "Happy Grass", which will once again be broadcast on CCTV-1's prime time, meet with the audience?
Use Zhenli to "serve the country with science and technology" and plant mushroom grass with passion.
"Happy Grass" is a realistic work. The prototype of the protagonist "Li Changhuan" is Lin Zhanhui, who is known as the father of the world's mushroom grass technology and the "originator of mushroom grass" in China's poverty alleviation.
Shiitake mushrooms are a treasure, but the earliest "mushroom-wood combination" cultivation technology required a large number of trees to be cut down, causing ecological deterioration. Insufficient funds, backward equipment and other difficulties did not defeat Li Changhuan. After countless failures, he finally combined "mushrooms" and "grass", allowing the mushroom-grass technology to bring hope of increasing income and getting rich to the broad masses of working people. "Happy Grass" is set in the 1970s. Through delicate shots and realistic portrayals, it vividly shows the protagonist "Li Changhuan"'s focus on studying mushroom grass, and at the same time reflects the spirit of research of the vast number of scientific and technological workers in my country.
With sincerity, we "benefit the people" and use mushroom grass for the people wholeheartedly.
"Happy Grass" takes Dr. Li Changhuan and his team as the protagonists, telling the story of their arduous journey in promoting Juncao cultivation technology in a foreign country. It is a story about poverty alleviation through science and technology, and its core lies in showing the important role of Juncao technology in poverty alleviation.
Faced with many challenges such as cultural differences, different climatic conditions and imperfect infrastructure, the scientific research team encountered many "hard nut to crack" problems.
For example, unlike traditional wood chip cultivation, Juncao can grow in poor soils such as saline-alkali land. It can not only effectively improve the soil, but can also be directly used to grow edible fungi, bringing economic income to local residents.
However, they were not afraid of hardships and eventually helped local people get on the road to prosperity through innovative methods such as building mushroom sheds and developing dry rice technology.
Although the drama does not explicitly state the specific names of the aid-giving countries, it can be inferred based on the deeds of the prototype character Lin Zhanhui that it not only takes into account the sensitivity of international relations, but also allows more audiences to understand China's efforts and achievements in the field of international poverty alleviation.
"Spread hope" with sincerity and promote Juncao unswervingly.
In "Happy Grass", from the small family to the big country and then to the international community, a small mushroom grass closely links the fate of the individual, the fate of the times and the fate of mankind. The scientific researchers represented by Dr. Li Changhuan and his team in the play have great love and ambition. Through the promotion of mushroom grass technology, they embody the profound connotation of "teaching a man to fish" in China's foreign aid concept.
"Happy Grass" is not only a realistic TV series, but also a vivid reproduction of China's poverty alleviation story and another wonderful presentation of Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions on the international stage.
The destiny of mankind is shared, and there is always green grass everywhere. Against the backdrop of many challenges facing the global economy, China has insisted on promoting international poverty reduction cooperation and sharing its poverty reduction experience, demonstrating the responsibility of a responsible major country.
Through this TV series, the audience can not only learn about the touching story of China's scientific and technological aid to foreign countries, but also think deeply about how scientific and technological innovation can contribute to global sustainable development.
The broadcast of "Happy Grass" will undoubtedly add new highlights to China's international image.
(Text/Li Zhenhua)