
"Passionate Heart and Book Fragrance as Companion", Summer Free Blood Donation Activity Held


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The Beijing Red Cross Blood Center and the Beijing City Library jointly organized the "Passionate Blood and Books as Companions" 2024 Summer Blood Donation Activity on August 10 and 11.

This event combines public blood donation with cultural experience. Relying on the resource advantages of Beijing City Library, it has prepared a series of cultural experience activities for blood donors, including ancient poetry tours, intangible cultural heritage handicrafts, and summer performances.

At the event, opera, folk music, chorus and other cultural performances took turns to appear. The unique cultural experience activities such as the intangible cultural heritage woodblock printing and intangible cultural heritage handmade classroom made the blood donors linger. The event also specially designed "city map" and "blood donation" seals with elements of the capital's culture and public welfare blood donation elements, which "branded" the blood donors with a unique mark for participating in public welfare activities.

This activity combines public welfare with public cultural services, increases the enthusiasm of blood donors and the general public to participate, and allows more people to approach, understand, and try voluntary blood donation. It is a beneficial attempt at voluntary blood donation in the capital, and has played a role in promoting the guarantee of clinical blood use in the capital.

Source: Beijing Daily Client

Reporter: Sun Leqi

Process Editor: u070
