
Why do swimmers wear down jackets before competitions and divers take a bath after diving?


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[1]Eur J Sport Sci.2018Mar;18(2):182-189doi:10.1080/17461391.2017.1411528.Epub 2017 Dec 10.

[2] World Aquatics.(2022). Fina Diving Rules 2022-2025.

[3] General Administration of Sport of China. (2016). Weather may be the toughest opponent for Olympic diving events

[4] Adamantios Arampatzis, Falk Schade, Mark Walsh, et al. (2001).Influence of leg stiffness and its effect on myodynamic jumping performance. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. pp.355-364.

[5] Yu Yijin. (2021). Why Olympic divers shower after dives and other questions — answered!.Today.

Column design: 91

This issue's author: Ding Zhongli

This issue is planned by: Doraemon, Little Dandelion

Scientific reviewHu Fan,Chief Technician of Rehabilitation Department, Shanghai Putuo District Central Hospital

Source of the pictures in this article: CCTV Video, swimming coach Dayu

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