
International Observation: Resolutely Say "No" to Extremely Anti-China Politicians in the United States


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Zhang Siyuan
Recently, extreme anti-China politicians in the United States have been making strong statements against China, inciting a "new cold war" against China, advocating "decoupling" of Sino-US economic, trade and technological relations, and arming Taiwan, in an attempt to poison public opinion in the United States on China and undermine the development of Sino-US relations. Their "leading figures" include former Secretary of State Pompeo, former Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Bolton, and former Chairman of the House of Representatives' "China Special Committee" Gallagher.
The extreme anti-China views of these politicians stem from their erroneous perception of China. They adhere to the Cold War mentality and attempt to mirror China with the logic of "a strong country must dominate", pushing for the politicization, security and ideology of issues related to China. They manipulate national security issues and concoct a series of policies to contain China in an attempt to force China to surrender through extreme pressure. They wantonly concoct remarks that distort and smear China, entirely out of ideological prejudice and even emotional venting to engage in "presumption of guilt".
These extreme anti-China politicians keep saying that they are defending American interests, but in fact they are doing it for money and political interests. Pompeo, Bolton, Gallagher and others represent the US military-industrial complex, use China as an imaginary enemy, advocate the establishment of military superiority over China, and promote the expansion of the interests of the US military-industrial complex. The current US election has entered a white-hot stage. In order to attract attention, these politicians wantonly hype anti-China issues in an attempt to make a comeback and gain more political benefits.
These extreme anti-China politicians advocated the "uselessness of cooperation with China", but the fruitful results achieved in the 45 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States have severely slapped their faces. China-US relations have become one of the most deeply integrated, most extensive cooperation areas and most common interests in the world. It has benefited the people of both countries and promoted world peace and prosperity. Since the meeting between the two heads of state in San Francisco, China-US relations have generally stopped falling and stabilized, and the dialogue and cooperation between the two sides in various fields have made new progress, bringing tangible benefits to the two countries and their people. Not long ago, the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee was successfully held. China will further deepen reform in an all-round way, expand opening up to the outside world, and build a high-level socialist market economic system. This will bring new development opportunities to countries around the world, including the United States. Facts have proved that anything that is beneficial to the people of China and the United States is not good for these extreme anti-China politicians, and it is also what they are afraid of seeing. This is the fundamental reason why they jump up and down and try to disrupt China-US relations.
Political manipulation is unpopular, and more people of insight are speaking out rationally. In response to the argument that the United States must "win" rather than "manage" competition with China, some rational American scholars on China issues have publicly written articles to refute it. Members of the board of directors of the US-China Business Council, who recently visited China, said that the US-China relationship is the most important bilateral relationship in the world, and they are willing to actively play their own influence and role and firmly serve as a stabilizing force for the development of US-China relations.
The historical logic of China-US peaceful coexistence will not change, the desire of the two peoples to communicate and cooperate will not change, and the general expectation of the world's people for the stable development of China-US relations will not change. We call on more people of insight in both countries to make objective, positive and rational voices, say "no" to the extreme anti-China politicians in the United States, let the international community see their ugly faces, and help China-US relations develop stably, healthily and sustainably.
(The author is an international affairs observer)
Source: People's Daily Online - International Channel
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