
Do you know the secrets hidden in the "Arhat Bed"?


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The Arhat Bed is as its name suggests, with the solemn faces of gods and Buddhas on one side and the unrestrained and free-spirited personality of Arhat on the other.

Luohan Bed - a typical representative of ancient Chinese lying-down furniture, is an ancient Han furniture. It is called a bed, and it is also a couch. It was called "the most ideal bedding" by Mr. Wang Shixiang.

The Luohan bed can not only be used for taking a nap, but also for entertaining guests. You can have a cup of tea and invite you to sleep with you. How wonderful!

Where did the Luohan bed come from?

There are many different opinions about the origin of the name of Luohan Bed. There is no real evidence and no convincing explanation.

Some people think that the low fence of the Luohan bed is very similar to the "Luohan railing" in the architectural structure, so they named it accordingly, and also use it to distinguish it from the canopy bed with pillars between the fences.

Some people also think that its overall appearance is solid and heavy, similar to the Arhat sitting in the temple, so it is given the word "Arhat".

More people speculate that the Arhat bed is related to the Maitreya couch.

This is mainly because it was mostly used by monks in the early days. In the period of advocating Buddhism, laymen also often sat on this bed to discuss sutras and doctrines. The "Vimalakirti Picture" painted by the Song Dynasty is a clear proof. Vimalakirti is a Mahayana layman. He has a peaceful expression and is holding a Dharma instrument while preaching on the bed. Of course, Vimalakirti is just a representative of many laymen. In the Song and Yuan Dynasties, this type of bed became more popular. Even some literati and scholars would sit on it to cultivate themselves and chant Buddha.

In this case, it is reasonable to call it Luohan bed.

What is the magic of Luohan bed?

Luohan beds have a long history and come in a variety of varieties and styles. Most of the Luohan beds we see today are from the Ming and Qing dynasties, with outstanding features and extremely exquisite features.

The lines of the Luohan bed are steady and majestic, simple and smooth, and full of personality.

The bed is large and inconvenient to move, but it also gives people a sense of stability and heaviness, isn't this the honesty of Arhat?

The legs of the Luohan bed are commonly known as "banana legs", which require a large degree of curvature. The legs of the Ming-style Luohan bed are hollowed out, giving people a sense of softness yet firmness.

The legs and feet of the Qing-style Luohan bed are more lively and exaggerated in strength.

It is understandable that ancient people had a special liking for the Luohan bed, which is so simple yet elegant and colorful.

What is the use of Luohan bed?

As a model of "fancy yet practical" furniture, the Luohan bed achieves a perfect combination of artistry and practicality, so what is its use?

Few people know now that the Luohan bed is of higher rank than a chair when used to entertain guests.

In ancient times, the highest level of hospitality for Chinese people was on the bed or on the Kang.

Therefore, the main function of the Luohan bed is not to sleep or rest, but to entertain guests.

The way one treats others and exchanges courtesy and reciprocity are the best indicators of a person's cultivation and temperament, and the status of the Luohan bed is equivalent to that of a modern sofa.

The function of Luohan bed for entertaining guests

Before the Han Dynasty, Chinese people lived by sitting on the floor, so the center of life must revolve around the sleeping place, and guests were received around the host's sleep.

Over time, a hierarchical concept of hospitality has been formed among the Chinese.

Before the Qing Dynasty, and even in the early years of the Republic of China, the highest level of hospitality for Chinese people was on the bed or on the kang.

The main function of the couch and Luohan bed is not to sleep, but to entertain guests.

The Luohan bed can be called the sofa in ancient people’s homes - the center of household activities and entertaining guests.

Put a small tea table on the table, sit at ease, burn incense and drink tea with friends, and talk about the past and present. Remove the tea table and lean on the armrests to take a leisurely rest on a cool summer afternoon.

▲Detail of "Night Banquet of Han Xizai"

In the famous painting "Night Banquet of Han Xizai" from the Five Dynasties, we can see that the place where the host and his friends talked and laughed was precisely around a Luohan bed which is suitable for both sitting and lying down.

By the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Luohan bed had become a fixed home reception center, just like the sofa today. Such scenes are very common in many Ming Dynasty illustrated novels.

In many film and television works, we can see that the rumors about the concubines in the Qing Palace were spread between the beds of the Arhats.

The Luohan bed is very popular because of its practicality. It is still preserved to adapt to the old customs of the Chinese people. It can be often seen among elegant scholars and famous families, and has become a symbol of economic wealth, social status and identity value.

It not only reflects the homeowner's high style when entertaining guests, but also provides a place to take a rest when you are free. The appearance is simple and elegant without losing its elegance and nobility, giving people a powerful yet subtle aesthetic feeling, which is really wonderful!