
Disaster is coming! Germany agrees to send troops, North Korea's big move caused a sensation, the thing the West fears most has come


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According to, citing the United Nations Command website and Reuters, Germany recently officially became the 18th member of the United Nations Command in South Korea, led by the United States. On the same day, the United Nations Command held a joining ceremony at the Pyeongtaek military base in southern Seoul, South Korea. German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius delivered a speech at the ceremony, emphasizing Germany's commitment to peace and security in the Indo-Pacific region and promising to firmly oppose "those who intend to undermine peace and stability and attack our common order." Pistorius also announced that Germany will deploy modernized A319 OH reconnaissance aircraft in South Korea from September, saying that this move "will enable us to ensure compliance with arms control agreements from the air."

Recently, the situation on the Korean Peninsula has been in turmoil again. The German Defense Minister announced that Germany will join the "United Nations Command" in South Korea and send reconnaissance aircraft to be deployed near the 38th parallel from September, which has sparked controversy. The reason is that the hidden interests behind it may be more complicated than the surface. According to South Korean media reports, Pistorius said during his visit to China at the end of June that Germany intends to strengthen cooperation with China, which made Washington very dissatisfied. Subsequently, Pistorius went to the Philippines to develop military cooperation, and not long ago went to South Korea to participate in the "United Nations Command" joining ceremony, which directly caused strong protests from North Korea. This series of actions seems to be due to security cooperation, but the causes may be deeper.