
The United States has decided not to impose sanctions


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According to AFP on the 10th, the US State Department said on the 9th that it would not sanction Israeli troops involved in the killing of a Palestinian American because "Israel has taken remedial actions."

In January 2022, 78-year-old Palestinian American Omar Assad died after being handcuffed, gagged, blindfolded and left lying on the ground for more than an hour by members of the IDF's "Netzach Yehuda" battalion in the West Bank.

Omar Assad, who had spent most of his life in the United States, was temporarily returning to Palestine. Reuters said Omar Assad's body was found abandoned at a construction site. The Israeli military said Israeli soldiers temporarily gagged him with a cloth and tied his hands because he refused to cooperate. Omar Assad had a history of heart disease.

Palestinians hold a funeral for Omar Assad in January 2022.

After investigating and evaluating the incident, the US State Department announced on the 9th that after receiving information provided by the Israeli government, it decided not to impose sanctions on the "Netzach Yehuda" camp.

U.S. State Department spokesman Vedant Patel said: "After thoroughly reviewing the information, we determined that the department's violations have been effectively remedied." He also said that the "Netzach Yehuda" battalion can continue to receive U.S. security assistance.

A U.S. official revealed that the two Israeli soldiers involved in the case were not prosecuted in the end, but they have been removed from combat positions and left the army. The Israeli military has also taken measures to prevent such incidents from happening again.

Lu Zi