
Pinggu District responds to rainfall from August 9 to 10


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Beijing News: From August 9 to 10, Pinggu District experienced heavy to torrential rains, with an average rainfall of 118.7 mm, a maximum rainfall of 197.1 mm, and a maximum hourly rainfall of 96.3 mm. In response to this heavy rainfall, Pinggu District conscientiously implemented the spirit of the city's flood control meeting. The district committee and the district government mobilized the entire district, issued an orange rainstorm warning, and initiated a second-level flood control emergency response. 11,255 rescue teams and on-duty personnel at the district, town, and village levels were on duty, and more than 477 sets of large-scale rescue equipment and other materials and equipment were checked in advance. All 80 mountain villages were equipped with satellite phones. The regulations, highways and other departments intensified inspections, 66 group monitoring and prevention personnel were on-site to monitor the geological disaster points; three responsible persons were on-site for 10 sunken bridges; 10 deep foundation pit construction sites were pre-installed with drainage pump groups; 2 mountain roads with high geological disaster risks were strengthened; 13 risk points prone to stagnant water in the urban area were arranged for personnel and equipment to be on standby. Ten scenic spots, 33 camping sites, and 317 folk homestays in the region were closed; 20 mountain torrent channels were completely closed; 65 ongoing projects, 6 road projects, and 2 water-related projects were suspended. A total of 1,550 households and 2,699 people were relocated in the region, including 1,283 households and 2,193 people in 67 villages in 11 towns due to geological disasters; 158 households and 250 people in 85 villages in 16 towns due to dangerous houses; and 109 households and 256 people in 22 villages in 7 towns due to mountain torrent disasters. So far, this round of heavy rainfall has not caused any casualties.

In the early morning of August 10, the water volume of the river in Tawa Village, Huangsongyu Township surged, causing many roads and bridges to be damaged and the road to the village to be blocked. Pinggu District quickly organized a rescue team to go to the village to deal with the situation as soon as possible. The main leaders of the district party committee and district government rushed to the scene to direct the disposal work, mobilized the district-level road repair team and various machines to repair the road. At about 10:00 on the 10th, Tawa Road was successfully opened. By 17:00, all the villagers had been relocated and resettled to other places to ensure the safety of people's lives and property and the stability of the overall social situation.

According to preliminary statistics, the infrastructure of Jinhaihu Town, Huangsongyu Township, Shandongzhuang Town, Xiagezhuang Town, Nandulehe Town and other towns in Pinggu District was damaged to varying degrees. Among them, 32 road sections and low-lying areas were affected by waterlogging, and 13 roads and facilities such as Huguan Road, Xiada Road, Xiayu Road, and Xiongnan Road were severely damaged by water; 59 poles of 5 power lines such as Linchang Road, Shangbuzi Road, and Dalinghou Road were broken or tilted.

Edited by Chen Yanting