
Sichuan's installed capacity of new energy will reach 32 million kilowatts by 2025


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Cover News reporter Chen Yanfei
Under the guidance of the "dual carbon" goal, how can Sichuan Province build a new energy system to support the high-quality development of the energy industry? On August 9, 2024, the "Xinglong Lake Energy and Power Summit Dialogue-Sichuan New Energy System Planning and High-quality Development" special event was held on the shore of Xinglong Lake in Chengdu Science City.
Event site
Deng Chao, member of the Party Leadership Group of the Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission and Director of the Provincial Energy Bureau, introduced the development achievements of Sichuan's energy industry in recent years. He said that as the development of hydropower in Sichuan Province has come to an end, we have also ushered in a great opportunity for the rapid development of wind, solar and hydrogen energy. Sichuan is rich in hydropower resources, and 80% of our hydropower resources are concentrated in the Jinsha River, Yalong River and Dadu River basins. At the same time, these areas have rich wind and solar power generation resources, which can truly achieve the complementarity of water, wind and solar.
"At present, Sichuan's installed hydropower capacity is 100 million kilowatts, while our installed wind and solar capacity was only 15.83 million kilowatts by the end of June. It's not that our wind and solar resources are not excellent, but that we insist on the strategic step-by-step approach of energy development. After the completion of the Ertan Hydropower Station, Sichuan's hydropower development has achieved landmark significance and ushered in a period of technological maturity and stability. Our electricity cost is roughly 2 to 3 cents per kilowatt-hour. In the first 10 years, the cost of wind power and photovoltaics was 2 to 3 times that of hydropower, but technology is changing rapidly. Today, our wind power and photovoltaic equipment manufacturing capabilities are already leading the world, and its cost is far lower than the development cost of existing new hydropower. We will rely on the development of water, wind and solar resources in the basin + ultra-high voltage transmission projects to contribute Sichuan's strength to the national dual carbon goals." Deng Chao said.
Xu Jialong, general manager of Sichuan Electric Power Company of State Grid, also introduced that at present, Sichuan Province has 15.84 million kilowatts of wind and solar energy installed capacity, which is about 2.6 times the installed capacity at the end of 2020. It is estimated that the installed capacity of new energy will reach 32 million kilowatts and 82 million kilowatts in 2025 and 2030 respectively. Sichuan Province has entered a stage of rapid development with an annual increase of about 10 million kilowatts of wind and solar grid-connected power. At the same time, Xu Jialong also emphasized that the randomness, intermittency and volatility of new energy are prominent, which will further increase the "dependence on the weather" characteristics of power supply. Large-scale development of new energy will quickly consume system regulation resources and increase the problem of insufficient system regulation capacity. It is necessary to support the regulatory power supply, enhance the system regulation capacity and safe and stable support capacity, and better serve the energy and power supply and transformation.
In the keynote report session, Zhou Xiaoxin, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and honorary president of the China Electric Power Research Institute, analyzed the challenges faced by the safe and economic operation of the new power system. He said that in the new power system with a very high proportion of photovoltaic and wind power, it has the characteristics of volatility, strong intermittency, and great changes in extreme climate change, and low-cost, high-reliability new energy storage and green hydrogen energy technologies are very important in it, especially green hydrogen energy and its derivative gas and liquid fuel power generation, which have the potential to replace traditional coal and gas power, and may become the main resource for the future power system to provide high flexibility to cope with extreme weather and climate conditions, resilience, safe supply and provide system inertia.
Chen Yunhui, executive vice president of the Sichuan Electric Power Industry Association, said that by 2030, the development of hydropower in Sichuan will gradually come to an end, while new energy sources such as wind and solar power may be in a state of large-scale development. Sichuan has very rich reserves of new energy. In Ganzi, Aba, Liangshan, and Panzhihua, there are a total of 270 million kilowatts. Sichuan attaches great importance to the development of new energy, and it is imperative to promote the high-quality construction of a new power system in Sichuan. "Sichuan now has a very good foundation for the construction of a new power system. The main core of Sichuan's power system construction is the construction of a new power system, and the construction of a new power system promotes the complementary development of multiple energies. In Sichuan, we must give full play to Sichuan's advantages in clean and low-carbon power resources, build a safe and sufficient power guarantee system in Sichuan, improve Sichuan's economic and efficient power market mechanism, cultivate Sichuan's supply and demand coordinated power balance ecology, and create Sichuan's flexible and intelligent power support platform." Chen Yunhui said.
He Yanfeng, Party Secretary and Chairman of PowerChina Chengdu Survey and Design Institute Co., Ltd., believes that it is necessary to vigorously promote the development and construction of hydropower under the new energy system and appropriately increase the regulating reservoir capacity, which will help to cope with the supply regulation under extreme power consumption required by complementary new energy and improve the power supply quality under extreme conditions of new energy. It is necessary to introduce relevant policies in a timely manner to enhance the enthusiasm for subsequent hydropower development, consider the supporting and regulating role of hydropower as a basic energy source in the new energy base, study and formulate new energy policies supporting hydropower, allocate certain new energy resources to hydropower developers according to the hydropower regulation capacity, and further enhance the enthusiasm for hydropower.
The event was guided by the Sichuan Provincial Energy Bureau and co-organized by Tsinghua Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute and Sichuan Electric Power Industry Association. More than 300 people participated, including responsible persons from relevant government departments of Sichuan Province, cities and districts, heads and representatives of central enterprises, provincial state-owned enterprises and private enterprises in the energy and power industry in Sichuan, and experts and scholars from universities and research institutes in Sichuan.