
Xining, Qinghai: Car "trade-in" stimulates consumption vitality


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"I bought my car before 2011. Can I enjoy the trade-in policy if I scrap it and buy a new one?" "Do the owners of the scrapped vehicle and the new vehicle have to be the same person?" ... In the Market Operation Regulation and Order Section of the Xining Municipal Bureau of Commerce in Qinghai Province, citizens continue to call to inquire about the car "old for new" policy.
Recently, Xining City has actively promoted large-scale equipment renewal and old-for-new consumer goods, improved the application level of advanced equipment in key areas and the proportion of high-end, intelligent and green production capacity, and promoted green investment and consumption.
Ma Yuping, a staff member of the Market Operation Regulation and Order Section of the Xining Municipal Bureau of Commerce, said that the subsidy for scrapping and replacing cars in Xining City has implemented the latest subsidy standard issued by the state. "This standard is at least double the policy issued by the state on April 25, which further stimulated the enthusiasm of car owners to scrap their old vehicles."
Ma Yuping said that in order to improve service quality and review efficiency, the Xining Municipal Bureau of Commerce has set up a telephone consultation post to meet the consultation needs of citizens.
On August 1, Mr. Yan, a Xining resident, received a 20,000 yuan subsidy for replacing his old car with a new one. The entire process, from submitting the application at the end of May to receiving the subsidy, was completed online.
"The application process is not complicated. You just need to fill it out item by item according to the steps of the old-for-new mini program. If I encountered anything unclear during the process, I called the Commerce Bureau for consultation, and the staff gave me patient answers." Mr. Yan said.
The bare car price of the new car selected by Mr. Yan was less than 40,000 yuan. With this subsidy, he saved half of the cost. "For people like us who have old cars that meet the conditions and want to buy a car, we have really enjoyed a real discount." Mr. Yan said that under his influence, his friends also began to consider buying new cars.
Qinghai Saiwo Green Building Materials Technology Co., Ltd. is one of the companies in Xining that has obtained the "Qualification Certificate for the Recycling and Dismantling of Scrapped Motor Vehicles". The company's business volume has increased significantly recently. Yang Shiyu, the company's business manager, told reporters that the elimination and renewal of old vehicles have been accelerated under the joint promotion of the residual value of scrapped vehicles, factory subsidies and the old-for-new policy.
The introduction of the new policy has also boosted the growth of car sales. Qi Xiuzhong, sales manager of Qinghai Jindao New Energy Automobile Sales Co., Ltd., said that due to the time limit of the subsidy, it has to some extent prompted consumers to buy in advance. Some consumers who were originally on the sidelines have placed orders, and the number of customers entering the store for consultation has increased significantly. "The company's new energy vehicle sales increased from 32 in June to 40 in July. Although the number is not large, it is a welcome signal for the consumer market." Qi Xiuzhong said.
Relevant officials from the Xining Municipal Bureau of Commerce said that they will continue to promote the "old for new" policy for consumer goods including cars and home appliances, and do a good job in policy interpretation and publicity so that the policy can benefit more citizens. (Reporters Wang Zihan and Zhou Shengsheng)